

Truly, if they were any better they'd be SPARTANs.

Model based off Hellscream. Has 15 anims, which include actions like jumping, crouching and grenade throwing. Also, adding Alternate tag will make the ODST attack as if he has a pistol and adding Defend tag will make ODST attack as if he has a rocket launcher. Texture is 512 x512. If you don't want any team colour, download this.

Bunch of weapons by Kimberly/Werewulf: (use hand, right to attach weapons)

I'm working on adding a backpack and chestpiece.
Give credits to me and Ampharos_222.

UPDATE 1: Fixed up the walk anims
UPDATE 2: Fixed up helmet wrap
UPDATE 3: Fixed up helm more. Fixed up right shoulder.
UPDATE 4: Added proper portrait and TC.
UPDATE 5: Fixed up normals and add glow to portrait.

ODST, Orbital Drop Shock Trooper, Elite, Marine, UNSC, prepare to drop, sexy helmet, Halo, Reach, SPARTAN

ODST (Model)

Frankster: Very nice model edit with good skin. Works in-game and performs quite well. Approved. Yet you might want to add a TC back ground to the portrait and fix the normals on the helmet/visor.




Moderation: 15:57, 29th June 2011
Very nice model edit with good skin.
Works in-game and performs quite well. Approved.

Yet you might want to add a TC back ground to the portrait and fix the normals on the helmet/visor.
Wrap stretches on the front and the back of the helmet (see screenshot) and a minor wrap problem on the back of the left soldier (see screenshot). The animations are okay, but the walk animations really need some love.

I also don't know why the one and only material contains a replaceable id 1 texture even though it doesn't contain any team color. You might also combine the geosets into one geoset.

The texture is great.


  • ODSTFront.png
    104.2 KB · Views: 608
  • ODSTBack.png
    127.3 KB · Views: 573
Level 4
Nov 14, 2010
thanks dude it was hard to make the helmet i made other spartans helmets use in my maps helmets are EVA,Recon,EOD,CQB 4 helmets i made and added on mastercheif body looks so cool but i been waiting for odst helmet now that i got your i can mod it to look like the real odst helmets and add it on masterchief body.
Level 7
Feb 26, 2011
1st i waz leik YESSS!!!!! an den i waz liek wat da FUUUUU!!! this model is somewhat disappointing with this seeing as when i put my thumb over the helmet it looks nothing like an odst nor anything possibly from halo, however with hives very limited amount of halo models on hive i am going to rate 4/5, and the mesh needs major work.