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Nuke Nations 1.3.0

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Reactions: Royy
The game play of Nuke Nations mixes missile wars, castle builder, and tree tag into one map. Tunnel through the rock using your missile silos and send your armies to lay siege to your enemies. You wage war against other player nations with teams or free for all. Enjoy!

[!]I'll add some screenshots in a bit.

•Suicide button on some units
•Disabled survival (for now?)
•Uniform rocks to reduce the sight of the ground under them (for now?)
•-name command
•More quests
•Fixed tutorial
•Removed team killing from missiles
•Much faster rockets!
•Cinematic done notifier
•Little terrain work

•Upgrade: Ore Refining
•Upgrade: Missile Hull Integrity
•Nuclear research/armed/launch text
•Gain energy appears after level 5 silo potency
•Large rocks mine 2 ore
•Planet Buster: 30 mana, more powerful
•-concede command
•Camera boundaries
•Tunneler health decrease
•Tunneling blast range decrease
•Mine cast range increase
•Commando typo fixed
•Commando buffed
•Ore transfer rates at 10 and 100
•Attack upgrade fixed
•Satellite assistance fixed
•Rocket fleeing problem fixed
•Missile defense changed up
•Silo potency mana bug fixed
•Removed ground attack from tactical command
•Spread Artillery
•Camera smoothing
•Manual overrides on tactical command
•Nuke more powerful
•Silo potency cost increase
•Upgrade times changed

Nuke Nations 1.4.0 Upcoming
•Multiboard with statistics (building #s, unit #s, missiles, etc.)
•Default allied chat

[!]This Map Is Protected

missile, builder, castle, nuke, warfare, wars, nations

Nuke Nations 1.3.0 (Map)

13:49, 1st Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 4
Jul 28, 2008
Wow, i really love the ideas behind this map, it's absolutely great. I haven't seen any bugs, but i've got a few suggestions.

You've got to tone down the survival, they know where you are instantly and you can't find them for awhile. Anyway to fix that? Plus, on easy AI my game got wtf pwned, should tone it down some? (Or i don't event wanna try any harder...)

Zepplins need some sort of penalty when it's shot down for the units, when i fall down that far i expect some sort of damage to myself.

Cave ins possibly? I never got to see what earthquake does, but disregard this message if earthquakes would do the same thing.

A drilling veichle would be really cool, it'd make traveling underground much easier.

You really need to expand the missile types just look up a page of it and check out the models wikkis a decent source: List of missiles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also, expanding from just rocks would be cool, theres more then "rocks" under there ya know? Such as volcanoes, underground lakes (wells), other types of rocks, and gems. It'd give the game a cooler aspect

Nuclear war and no mutants and stuff? :p Not even like mutant moles n' stuff like that?

Great job so far on the map, keep up the work 4 out of 5
Level 7
Apr 27, 2008
Thanks for the ideas Royy, I will take them all into consideration. As for survival, it should be doable if you focus on your defense first, THEN you go out and kill the enemy, but I may tone it down a bit. Zombies were already going to be added in later XD. As for the SW issue, i don't know, theres only so many letters, and only so many good names, and anything with missiles is pretty much taken. Thanks for playing!

Edit: Name now changed to Nuke Nations
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Level 4
Sep 2, 2006
Dare I say shit loads of fun? I dare say amazing game, one thing when you have to type "13abyNi9hT3lve5" to ally or observe someone NOT fun, yes colours can be overused and you might want to be 'different' but colours is easy. Also a quick start guide in quests and commands too please, if someone didn't tell me it was -ally/-unally <name> I would not have known.
Level 7
Apr 27, 2008
I have been sidetracked the past few months on a different game that I have created, and will be posted on hiveworkshop sometime soon... I do plan to sometime revisit nuke nations, but I also have some ideas for new games that interest me more at the moment. Thank you for enjoying the game.
Level 7
Apr 27, 2008
Man, it sure has been awhile since I updated this resource. Some updates that may be met with some resistance are the changing of rock models to the same model. Yes, it does look a little more boring, but it removes the ground that you could otherwise see, which was bugging me quite a bit. If this is really that much of a problem, mention it. Also, I removed the survival mode, basically because it was an extra dialog option that I wasn't really using, and the gameplay was so different that it almost seemed out of place. If people were using it and would like it back it, mention this also. Other than that, this was a minor update that adds a few nice features.
Level 1
Mar 21, 2009
Awesome map. Very balanced. Usually you can jsut rush siloes and get cheap kills wiht missle games, btu this is different. Great job.

Edit: I just found one thing, adn i'm nto sure it it's possible, but, late in the game, you lose your own tunnel systems. If the map coudl change color in those areas, almost like the blight effect from the nuke does, so tha toyu coudl tell where you've been anyway, where you've been. Otherwise, wonderful.
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Level 7
Apr 27, 2008
Yeah, nuking people is ownage :D. But I am on the downturn of playing wintermaul... I am working on an assassin game that shows a lot of promise, hopefully a playable beta will be out soon. I did update this awhile ago... for some reason this game doesn't interest me that much though anymore :/.
Level 10
Mar 16, 2009
I love this map :D, the amount of tactics that were created from this map were amazing considering the very few amount tech branch to produce things to deal damage. Played it one vs one with a friend and it was amazing but when playing a larger game of 11 players (12 person left >_<) it was so cluttered that the entire building up phase was either gone or you built up and hoped no one found you.

gotta love scouting with 3 workers and finding your opponent though because you can instantly cripple their economy by destroying the rocks around the harvesters xD.

Autohosting on east :)
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Level 1
Jul 4, 2009
Absolutely love this. It's just a shame that it's pretty hard to get people to join.

One thing I've noticed, is that you can deconstruct a harvester before it hits 100 mana and then build another on top of the old one and repeatedly use the same rocks indefinitely. It's kind of odd but not THAT big of a deal...

Edit1: There seems to be a bug with observing, in that people can only observe once, and if they unobserve the person or he dies, they cannot see anything.

Edit2: Also, the Missile Defense thing or w/e its called, the shield doesn't seem to work or do anything.
And, Satellite Assistance? If we're underground how would we get satellites into space and how would they be able to locate things underground, wouldn't like, echo location/sonar be better or something?
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Level 1
Sep 23, 2009
Really fun and unique map, playing with friends makes it even better!
So many different tactics... i like being sneaky in this map :)
Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
Mass Purging Template Version 3.0

Reason for not approving:
While it is a good concept, that is about it.
The terrain needs more tiles and doodads, yes, I realize it is underground, it still lacks.
the triggers had problems too.