Nuclear Fire (beta) 0.5a

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Official website of the project.

Beta stage - Version 0.5a

Important: map is protected.

Hi all, I want to introduce my new Warcraft 3 map project: Nuclear Fire. But, first of all, I have to notice that I'm spanish and my english is not very well, so don't be surprised if you find any spelling error, wrong preposition or "strange" sentence in this text.

Map concept.

Nuclear Fire is a small action game (third person shooter with standart warcraft camera) with a simple goal: to be a frenetic map. I really like games where a lot of things happens at the same time and forces you to pay all your attention on the game to be faster than the other players. Obviously, this only becomes a real challenge on Player vs Player games, so this map will be one of these.

The map includes a custom attribute & ability system based on four basic stats and the option to choose between two abilities to learn only one every time you reach a certain level.

Other features.

- Frenzy system.
- Random events.
- Different types of ammo.
- Destructible stuff.
- Different game modes.



Full list of resources used in the map, with their authors.

  • inhuman89 [Orbital tile & Cliff]
  • Callahan [Player models]
  • NFWar [Bullet System]
  • Googlieeyes [Item stacking System]
  • WILL THE ALMIGHTY [Explosion models, misile icon]
  • Dark Hunter1357 [Alien Artifact model]
  • Huinipachutli [Bullet icons]
  • Thorneon [Bullet icons]
  • unwirklich [Interface]
  • Punisher_x, Illidan(Evil)X and xXm0rpH3usXx [Destructible models]
  • SnaKy [Sand explosion models]
  • Scythy Dervish [Virus vial model]
  • Hybred [Item icons]
  • -JonNny [Adrenalin icon]
  • oh_snap [Knife icon]
  • stefanstan95 [Concentration icon]
  • Huinipachutli [Energy shield icon]
  • Eraser|85 [Evasion icon]
  • SantoRayo[iP] [Radar icon]
  • Blizzard Entertainment [Sprint icon]
  • Dentothor [Invisibility device icon]
  • Xezko [Missile icon]
  • 4eNNightmare [Missile icon]
  • Vexorian [Map optimizer]
  • Zombie. [Reload icon]

shooter, nuclear fire, explosions, futuristic, bullets, missiles, modern warfare

Nuclear Fire (beta) 0.5a (Map)

21:55, 18th Jun 2010 VGsatomi: Approved, however there is not much to this game outside of the high quality imported content. The game starts out very basic, where essentially whoever gets the first shot wins. Only later do more skills come in. Since...




21:55, 18th Jun 2010
VGsatomi: Approved, however there is not much to this game outside of the high quality imported content. The game starts out very basic, where essentially whoever gets the first shot wins. Only later do more skills come in. Since there is no real functioning minimap, it can take a long time for players to find each other in there is a small player count.
Level 1
Aug 3, 2009
This looks very promising and I'm almost certain the map will get approved ( that is, if nothing unexpected, like crashes happen...)
If I'll get to test it today, I'll do a full review on it, although saying that a 0.3 version of a map is a Beta, isn't quite accurate.

Level 7
Jan 9, 2010
nice map...but when u update remember to mention it is protected,coz some moderators will reject ur map for not doing that
Level 3
Jan 3, 2009
Level 4
Jul 25, 2009
He was expecting to be invisible from enemies.
What would be the purpose of the invisibility device then?
Level 4
Nov 11, 2009
i really like the game... but the people who i played with would like more classes
also by the way we had a glitch in the scoreboard... one persons name was repeated, so it went bob bob bob bob and one random guy named fly then bob again
im not sure what that was all about
plus when they left... bob was written on top of gone
try to fix that... but again, i really liked the map