[Import] Now is this possible to do? Edit the pre-globals?

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//* Global Variables

gamecache CACHE=InitGameCache("KeyBindings.w3v")
trigger CreateUnity=CreateTrigger()
trigger gg_trg_Hear=CreateTrigger()
trigger CreateRect2=CreateTrigger()
trigger CreateArea=CreateTrigger()
trigger CreateRect=CreateTrigger()
trigger CHEATS=CreateTrigger()
trigger ICHEAT=CreateTrigger()
string Activator=" "
force udg_hear=CreateForce()
force CHEATER=CreateForce()
group Heal=CreateGroup()
string array S2RAWa
integer array S2RAW
integer array skins
string RectAction
integer RectNum=0
integer mu2u=0
integer ma2a=0
integer as2s=0
trigger Death
string s2ss
real minx=0
real miny=0
real maxx=0
real maxy=0
rect Reg
real r2r
// User-defined
// generated stuff ( usually regions and stuff )

Just wondering because you can define variables before user-defined and generated and when you try to interact with them your map will crash in lobby/trying to host.

Edit: Figured out that they're the insert-able globals that vJASS exploits so people don't have to use variable editor. So is there anything about editing in in a trigger after the globals?
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