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NovaSystem 2.02 Reforged

This bundle is marked as awaiting update. A staff member has requested changes to it before it can be approved.
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Adiktuz's nova system but Updated to use the new natives by me so it doesn't leak dummy units.

Update 4/16/2022: New variable damagetarget added to allow getting the unit damaged by a Nova in a Nova damage response event. See Flame Nova sample spell for how to use.

Below is the original description from here https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/nova-system-2-02.181884/

A system that can be used to make different kinds of Nova spells, like instant novas, time-delayed novas, channeled spells that creates novas around you, etc... read the code header for more details

The system can be used simply using one function call, but also supports more advanced usage thru event registrations.

I have included 5 sample spells

JNGP to edit/save

Note: Way of usage between 2.0 and earlier versions changed especially for those using the interface functions, so anyone using this system will have to change their codes a bit if you're planning to update

Making another nova from onNova, onHit and onDamage event handlers can cause unwanted results.

Vexorian for dummy.mdx
Jesus4Lyf for Timer32
Bribe for Table
Magtheridon96 for RegisterPlayerUnitEvent

rylai, freezing field, frost, flame, electric, lightning, nova, aoe, damage, system, vjass, jass, gui, bomb, structs, dota, warcraft, magic, arcane

NovaSystem 2.03 (Map)

This way, you would warn users to use these functions after creating an instance. It's clearer to use than having 20 arguments on the same function. You should make the details on the struct members instead on the parameter section since not all...


Spell Reviewer
Level 26
Nov 18, 2012
The API really looks like it was made to kill all users who are about to use this system. Man, the function doesn't even fit one line, at the 5th parameter onwards you won't remeber what the next one is. You need to be reminded that you're sharing this for humans, not machines, and this isn't really readable
It's just too god damn long, so I'd suggest to start from there.


Spell Reviewer
Level 26
Nov 18, 2012
/*                real x - the center x of the nova AOE                                                     
                real y - the center y of the nova AOE */
It seems to me if "x" and "y" were renamed to "centerx" and "centery" or some variant (uppercase x and y) would also make it more intuitive.

        static method simpleCreate takes unit caster,unit target,real x, real y, real faoe, real height,/*
        */ real damage, real scale, string path, attacktype at, damagetype dt,integer abil returns thistype
            return thistype.create(caster,null, x, y, 0.0, faoe, height, 1, 1, 0.0, 0.0,damage, scale, false, false, false, path, at, dt, TRUE,abil)
        static method simpleCreateDelay takes unit caster,real x, real y, real delay, real faoe, real height,/*
        */ real damage, real scale, string path, attacktype at, damagetype dt,integer abil returns thistype
            return thistype.create(caster,null, x, y, 0.0, faoe, height, 1, 1, delay, delay,damage, scale, false, false, false, path, at, dt, TRUE,abil)
        static method simpleCreateDelayTarget takes unit caster, unit target,real x, real y, real delay, real faoe, real height,/*
        */ real damage, real scale, string path, attacktype at, damagetype dt,integer abil returns thistype
            return thistype.create(caster,target, x, y, 0.0, faoe, height, 1, 1, delay, delay,damage, scale, false, false, false, path, at, dt, TRUE,abil)
Why does simpleCreate method has "target" as parameter when it is unused currently? Why does simpleCreateDelay and simpleCreateDelayTarget use the same "delay" parameter in 2 different arguments? The first one is interval between each nova creations, the second is the duration of the spell. So you should just add another parameter "dur" or "duration" instead of the idea of "1-time Nova".
Still, this is the part where these 3 methods, and the create method itself should be reworked. create method should provide the most basic parameters, keeping it simple, with default values:
static method create takes unit caster, unit target, real x, real y, boolean circular, integer abil returns thistype

method setNovaProperties takes real aoe, real faoe,  boolean oncast, boolean channel,  boolean follow return nothing
    //this.aoe = aoe

method setNovaEffects takes string path, real height, real scale, integer npil, integer npih returns nothing

method setNovaDamage takes real ntt, real ni, real damage, attacktype at, damagetype dt returns nothing

This way, you would warn users to use these functions after creating an instance. It's clearer to use than having 20 arguments on the same function.
You should make the details on the struct members instead on the parameter section since not all members are used there. Some names suffer semiotic issues, in order words, they have no direct meaning. "ni", "ntt", "nxi" give no clue what it is about, only by looking at the explanation or examining the code one understands the meaning. It would be the same thing if you had members as "a" for caster unit and "b" for target unit, not intuitive at all. "aoe and "faoe" renamed to "maxAOE" and "novaAOE" or another variant would do.

call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(NOVA_GROUP, xx, yy, this.faoe, Condition(function NovaSystem.Looper)
Condition(function NovaSystem.Looper) is a leak. Need to destroy boolexpr later.

There should be a warning to the user to comment out the UnitAlive native declaration if they already have it somewhere else.

        //The group loop that is run when a nova is created
        static method Looper takes nothing returns boolean
            set filter = GetFilterUnit()
            if onHitTable.handle.has(data.abil) then
              call TriggerEvaluate(onHitTable.trigger[data.abil])
            if data.OnHitFilter(filter) then
                call UnitDamageTarget(data.caster, filter, data.damage, false, false, data.at, data.dt, null)
                if onDamageTable.handle.has(data.abil) then
            set damagetarget=filter
                    call TriggerEvaluate(onDamageTable.trigger[data.abil])
            return false
A little indention problem.

GetWidgetLife(u) >= .405 seems a redundant check, since UnitAlive already does that check internally.
Why is BuffNova a point target ability while it's supposed to target friendly hero units?
I don't understand the example of this spell. It almost feels like an instant ability, and doesn't look like it has anything to do with a nova. Perhaps it's attempting to demonstrate "1)An instant Nova"? But then, what's the difference between an instant nova and a fully, manually triggered spell? I'm curious to see what "7)And some others" could be. The other demo spells look nice.

Overall, it is good but need some fixes.