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Athens vs Sparta 2.02

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
All models dl from here (Hiveworkshop) big tnx for model creators it rly helped me!
About what is map?
Strategy. Become one ruler of Greece by conquer second team. (very simple)
How to play?
Game rules are simple create units by spending gold, unlock new units, make your army bigger and more powerful if you are not aggressive player you can build stronghold and defend until you become powerful. Get gold by taking gold mines (like in normal W3). Temples aren't important but it is good help. Temples unlock special units of gods (9 types of temples x3 units/spell in each, only not at Zeus there are x2). If you fished Temple you can spend god favor (lumber) on some super units or unlock extra units like Spartan Hopllite! In game units are like stone&paper&scissors. Archers have powerful damage but they hp are low, infantry will not take with smile deadly rain of arrows (infantry will die before touching archers). But Cavalry? They have lot of Hp height speed and great DMG (but with 2+ coldown) what make em just created to killing light armored archers! But infantry will not die at first hit from horseman and slain poor rider.
Enjoy the map. Let your victories put your name on marble and your enemies in sand!

Athens vs Sparta

Athens vs Sparta 2.02 (Map)

23:58, 17th Jan 2011 -Kobas-: Map Status: Rejected Broken Rules: (Map) Presentation, (Map) Credits Comment




23:58, 17th Jan 2011
Map Status: Rejected
Broken Rules:
(Map) Presentation, (Map) Credits