Hello there, since your new and all I still can't urge myself to review the bad parts and for you understand to make them the good part:
- The idea of making trees as affordable walls is a problematic matter, on middle games the worker units can end up reaching enemy main bases and vice versa, or worse gets attack by reachable creep camps, I would suggest you block those links by either working on cliffs or water levels, that way you don't have to worry for your worker units and also, you have enough regional space that covers your defense/offence maneuvers.
-all creeps in the map looks scrambled, give them a proper facing value than just randomly dropping them like that, its unnatural and not good looking for a melee adaptation.
-don't give creep camps on Tavern buildings, they are supposed to be free not meant to be raided out.
-The middle part of the map where a dragon roost is placed is suicidal, not just because your forced to hire zeppelins but the supposed drop site is quite small and since the zeppelin's ability to drop units takes time, it would be problematic not too mention, golems are heavy hitters. I suggest you work that mountain give it a natural looks all mountains are not square obviously they are cone shaped. And give it a large bay to drop units and all else.
-terrain is incredibly lacking, not just you placed barren-themed bones across the map you also wrecked the cliffs, gave them mini doodads and such, and unproper placing of all of them, I recommend you to read how to and not to types of tutorials on how to build up doodads properly
-and lastly, tile variations, these are good source of detail giving when you don't do jack on doodads, that road you made looks silly it would be better if that rock road tile you made looks more natural/collapsing type of style rather than that long bad look of it.
Overall map needs huge amount of work, I know you gave yourself time for that video but really you should focus on how it should be implemented properly, not media-based.
If you have some issues and problems, please contact me so we can discuss on how you follow the right path for this, more importantly read my revisions first.