Nightmare Dryad (Reforged)

Nightmare Dryad skin of the Night Elf Dryad, for the Emerald Nightmare Map:

The leave's colour is inspired by dead leaves of all trees and plants around the Emerald Nightmare raid in Val'sharah WoW.

Screenshot for the skin with team colouring below:



Update: Completely redone new skin fitting other assets from the Emerald Nightmare map.

Hair (Texture)

Icon (Icon)

Main (Texture)

Main Emissive (Texture)

Missile (Texture)

Pauldron (Texture)

Weapon (Texture)

Level 1
Mar 4, 2015
Looks great! How did you do that? If I change a skin and then import it, the whole model turns black.
Looks great! How did you do that? If I change a skin and then import it, the whole model turns black.
Well let's go step by step:

1. Get CascView to export WC3 files (you probably already have it)
Casc Storages - Main page

2. Get Photoshop... legally of course ;D (other programs might work, I don't know which).

3. Edit your Diffuse .dds file (it's basically the main skin with colours, there are others for lighting effect: Emissive)

4. After you finished doing your reskin, save it with these settings:
- ** Go with Format DXT1A (previously I said DXT5.. don't do it, file size too big)
- Choose this Mipmap for skins
- If the Diffuse .dds file has an Alpha choose Alpha 1
- Afterwards import your .dds skin to World Editor and choose the correct path and edit the imported file where war3mapImported is written.
- The path is displayed in the model file of the skin in Object Editor. For example: units\nightelf\HeroKeeperoftheGrove\HeroKeeperoftheGrove is the model.
- So war3mapImported\ becomes units\nightelf\HeroKeeperoftheGrove\

5. That's it, enjoy!
Last edited:
Level 1
Mar 4, 2015
Awesome! Also works for me too now! (using Gimp + .dds-Plugin or btw) Thank you very much, sir!
If you could make all the Nights Elves with these skins.
That be cool, thanks for this, I like it.
Not sure if all, but many units will be covered.
I'm currently developing a melee style map with additional lore friendly races. For example the Emerald Dream. So many buildings and units will have a custom skin... in the future hopefully models.
Yup totally different than mine, it look like it's reforged but it's not :(

View attachment 346993
Strange.. not sure how to help there. I guess you already thought about reinstalling CascView?
Even stranger is that my WC3 seems to be classic icon, yet it clearly is reforged...
Mmmh yeah we have all the model, but how do you put it on a unit ?
Did you need help regarding this skin?
All you need to do is rename the imported texture file with the Import path like written next to every skin part, that's it.
The first skin part should be renamed to:
Level 4
Feb 28, 2020
Did you need help regarding this skin?
All you need to do is rename the imported texture file with the Import path like written next to every skin part, that's it.
The first skin part should be renamed to:

Have try to rename everything, nothing new, idk, its the frist time i try to work with custom model, so idk anything about it