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Night Skill

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Level 8
Dec 16, 2007
I've looked in 2 thread about this and followed the hints. But still I can't make it work, can u please see what's wrong?

In night the hero with this aura should get bonus movement/attack speed.

I made endurance aura lvl 1 with 0%/0% and lvl 2 80%/100%

  • Lycantrophe Learn
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Learns a skill
    • Conditions
      • (Learned Hero Skill) Equal to Lycantrophe
    • Actions
      • Set Lycantrophe = (Learning Hero)
      • Trigger - Run Lycantrophe Night <gen> (checking conditions)
      • Trigger - Run Lycantrophe Day <gen> (checking conditions)
  • Lycantrophe Day
    • Events
      • Game - The in-game time of day becomes Greater than or equal to 6.00
      • Game - The in-game time of day becomes Less than 18.00
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit - Add Lycantrophe to Lycantrophe
      • Unit - Set level of Lycantrophe for Lycantrophe to 1
  • Lycantrophe Night
    • Events
      • Game - The in-game time of day becomes Greater than or equal to 18.00
      • Game - The in-game time of day becomes Less than 6.00
      • Game - The in-game time of day becomes Equal to 0.00
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit - Add Lycantrophe to Lycantrophe
      • Unit - Set level of Lycantrophe for Lycantrophe to 2
Where did I do wrong, and how do I make it right?
Level 2
Sep 9, 2005
I think u bummed it up with the events : Ingame time of day less than 18:00 can also be less than 6:00. I simply would thry to remove those 'Less than' and add them in the conditions for example. I think this might be ur problem: when its night (18:00) the first trigger runs too, because 18:00 is greater than 6:00. And i think it activates the spell but then deactivates it.
Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
When you put multiple events, your trigger will run when EACH ONE of them is true, not when all of them.

Do your triggers like Volvox and when the unit learns the ability just check the time of day.

If time is greater or equal to 6:00 AND time is less then 18:00

If time is greater or equal to 18:00 AND time is less then 6:00

Just add this 2 in a If/Then/Else.
Level 2
Sep 9, 2005

Try setting it this way:
Time of day becomes greater than 6:00
Time of day becomes greater than 18:00
That way you get smooth level shifting.

If u use it like this it woulnt work unless there are no spells to change the time of day. 4 exalmple: time is 19:00 and triggers work fine so far, then someone uses the NE spell to make night , when spell is over BOTH triggers will run and u cant tell wich one will leave its mark.

btw how do i do the quote thingy
Level 3
Aug 24, 2007
Why run the triggers? Shouldn't they be initially off and then turned on when the ability is learnt?
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