• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Night Elf Ranger Hero

Version 3. Completed, and Updated.

A very thorough reskin of Sylvanus, because as it says in the screenie, Shandris sucks.

Disagree with me if you like, but I won't change my mind on it. That doesnt mean the skinners for Warcraft III were bad skinners, it means they got lazy for Shandris.

Night Elf, Archer, Ranger

Night Elf Ranger Hero (Texture)

THE_END: Wow this has really changed. I absolutely love it! And..no need for a less skimpy skirt :P. APPROVIZZLED




THE_END: Wow this has really changed. I absolutely love it! And..no need for a less skimpy skirt :p.
Level 17
Sep 2, 2005
Alright. I wanted her to "Fit In" with the Nightelf Archers. I can do a redraw before I leave in the morning.

I figured the easiest way to make her 'fit in' would be to use parts of the same uniform. It looks good, but I can do a freehand.

The skimpy shirt will stay though. I like it too much to scrap it. :p
It's also her underwear - and if I remove it, there's nothing that will replace it. I don't think hiveworkshop hosts nude skins usually :p.


I'm working on the by hand right now, but I should note, that even with the cnp, it's still infinitely more original than shandris, which was just "One tone of purple brush over sylvanus... and WERE DONE!

Also. this has no team color, and may not get team color until after christmas, because as of tomorrow at lunch I'll be stuck with 56k for 3 weeks.

Also. Just a note: The original goal of this model wasn't something unique, mostly just a shandris-type hero that didnt look like ass.
Level 17
Sep 2, 2005
OK. Freehanded. Redid the bow, arrow, shoulderpad, face, ball thingies on the bow, and added leafies.

Also redid the moon symbols to be more circular. I like these moon thingies better.

and made the Arrow look Grown as a plant. The Idea of leaves made it better I think.

Small other changes throughout.

Still haven't slept, but its so late theres no point as I leave for hte holidays in 4 hours.
Level 17
Sep 2, 2005
Evaluate it again please. I fixed it since it was nonapproved.

I intend to make an Icon once it's approved, but I need it approved first - since I fixed all the complaints.

werewulf said:
errr..not that this has anything large, since its just a NE change, but Sylvanus was a highelf.
the original was nightelf bits and recolors, but it now is mostly freehand to make sylvanus a nightelf. this is mostly to replace the absolute shit that is shandris. I suppose I'll change the filename/path to replace shandris instead when I'm done. no reason for a good one and a crappy one.

I've been remaking all the highelves into nightelves. mostly for my own use but maybe someone else will have a use for them too. Maybe I'll go the reverse after - Make highelves out of nightelves (for the ones that haven't already been done.

Also about the icon - won't be til after christmas, and if any more changes are wanted they cant be till after the break either. The connection here sucks. This page took 10 minutes to load, and I have images disabled. Uploading a file will take like an hour, so unless a mod has another reason it needs to be fixed to be approved, its done til after christmas break.

im visiting the parents and they have dialup on bad phone lines.
Level 17
Sep 2, 2005
Shandris is a 3 minute recolor of Sylvanus. Sylvanus looks good, but shandris does not. they basically just took a purple brush and applied it to the whole sylvanus skin. They don't even have different tones of purple. There are no spots with more reddish purple or more bluish purple, or more/less grayish purple. skin is all the same tone, armor is the same tone. look at the skins, and you'll see what I mean. shandris is just a bad recolor of sylvanus. if the skin had been posted here instead of done by blizzard it would have gotten a 4 ish, if it even got approved. (It likely wouldnt have)

so yeah. shandris is shit. that doesnt mean that sylvanus is shit, or any number of other skins blizzard has done. but shandris, in particular, is absolutely awful. I've seen skins on here rated 2.00 that have about as much effort in them as shandris (or maybe more effort less talent).
Level 17
Sep 2, 2005
Also, I'll be changing the hair color and possibly the pattern on her face. someone said she looked like a raccoon and that the fuscia hair didnt fit. Maybe theire right. I'll go for a bluish hair. Maybe I'll put it up tonight. we'll see how my internet is going.

and when this is approved, I'll make an icon.
Level 17
Sep 2, 2005
I like the "shirt could fly off at any moment - look." I kept the shirt the same. It was all freehand anyways and as I said I like the "could fly off" look.

I thought I had it down to 25% CnP but I guess I'll see what else I can change when I redo the haircolor tonight.

I'll change the tattoo designs too.

I'm gonna go have a shower then I'll start.
Level 17
Sep 2, 2005
Updated. New Tattoos, Armband, Textured the cape, added some overgrowth effect to the bow and the gloves and arrow and etc.

New Facial Tattoo. Since I've been changing things so much, the tattoo is on a separate layer, so I can make a non-tattooed version if need be. this thing has like 30 layers now. I have like 7 alternate hair colors, the tattoos can be turned off, various clothes pieces and parts to the bow/arrow. (I mean in my PSD of this skin, not the BLP I uploaded. I'm just saying its easier for me to change now basically)
Level 3
Sep 9, 2007
wow, cool, im really gonna use it as a Night Elf Ranger unit, by the way, the skirt looks fine to me =P
Level 17
Sep 2, 2005

I'm not sure a model is something I could get approved if it has the same rules though. It might end up too similar to Sylvanus. It like a tall thin sylvanus with a different shaped head. I'll see what I can do.

I'm gonna go try to get my PC working, and if/when I do, I'll put up the different hair color and you can decide which one stays. After that will be the portrait.

And I umm, didn't plan on making a male version, let alone with the same shirt. :p

Off I go to check on my PC. (The power went out last night and I've had some issues getting it to start. Wish me luck)
Level 17
Sep 2, 2005
Let the voting begin! There are 5 hair colors. I put the old skins up for you to see, the tattoolessface for your amusement, and the original blizzard skins that inspired me/the one I started with.


Green, Blue, Fuscia, Purple, White.

Theyre full resolution, if jpeg compressed, so You could throw them over the blp here in photoshop and test it in game if you like. :p

Which hair color do you like?

Oh. In case I'm not on before its over, Merry Xmas.
Level 5
May 3, 2008
I'm going to guess some people wanted the shirt to come off. It's better then that 3 min recolour that Blizzard did. I thought they were meant to be good!
Level 3
Sep 24, 2007
The texture paths on this page are faulty, this gave me a little trouble actually :s.


is the Shandris path, I didn't try Sylvanas but the path must be incorrect aswell since it's spelled Sylvanas. But hey, nice skin! Too bad it didn't look as great ingame as it did on your pics though. Especially the shirtless chest looked too plain on the character portrait. The lack of TC (where did the hero glow on the ground go?) is a minus aswell. Still 4/5
Level 14
Dec 29, 2009
Excellent Model, I would use in my map however...

...Niether of the paths are correct, and I can't figure out the Sylvanas one.

Help please? :sad:

EDIT: Nevermind, I found it myself.
The path for Sylvanas is as follows:

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