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New to Hiveworkshop

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Level 5
Jun 18, 2011
Hello Hive,

I use to be an avid Starcraft map maker in the good ol days... I spent about a year self teaching myself the War 3 editor, not too sure if I should bother with SC 2 or not...? Life kind of gets in the way of video games now a days.
I have to say the War 3 editor is like visiting a new planet compared to the good ol SC 1 editor and hyper triggers =p The fact you have to clean up leaks is kind of ridiculous in my opinion thus far... but at least the option is there, so we can make a decent final lagless custom map. I have pretty much learned this advanced editing I would say 75 - 90%. Although I am probably over tirggering in some cases, because I am not really understanding the trigger: for each integer A; loop actions... etc. If someone could break that down for me that would be swell. I tried toying with that function and it never really gives me the results I am looking for... Also hashtables.... No CLUE whats going on with those! But other then those 2 functions, I have found a way to do whatever I need so far...
I also have to admit, I have explored jump, charge, mutli target custom spells that a lot of talented programmers have created. But honestly, as attractive as the visual may be... (Well I gotta admit... a pimped out custom hero packing shiva's wings, some pretty armor, and Cloud Strife's sword... all of sudden leaps up off the map screen, then comes crashing down with his blade, causing the terrain in 1000 AoE to shockwave towards the sky with a nice comet sound effect, and then adding a chain lightning effect that hits any surviving units for mana burn, and knocks them back for whatever distance.) Usually I find in most cases very unecessary. A good map is a good map... if you add a hero that farts lightning and pukes knock back effects... not sure how much greater that really makes a map? Maybe some of you veteran programmers could shed some light? Maps with the ludicrous triggered abilities, does it really help push a map? Also I would really appreciate if anyone could give me a heads up on which functions to steer clear of well making custom triggered maps? For example, periodic events...? If you got 50 - 250 triggers that are checking for conditions every say 1 - 3 seconds... if they find their conditions or not... does a pile of periodic cause lag at all? Anything like that would be great asset to know. Which events to use, not use... or if there is any other limitations on mapping? Are waits even worth using at all? Wait actions were always dead weight in the sc1 editor.

Anyhow I hope I can provide a few good maps for the hive, hoping some of you veterans can help out in times of need, and hopefully tolerate some of the noob questions I might throw at ya... Other then that glad to be here, hope a few people say hi =)

P.S. I also posted a rather large model request.... hoping you check that out modelers... I looked into modeling and skinning... must say WOW!!! Thats not happening just yet... maybe in the future... but I am very close to finishing my first custom map, and look forward to anyone who can help with balance and possibly terrain and trigger suggestions.


Cool Story Brah :D
Nah, just kidding ;)

First of all, welcome to The Hiveworkshop ^^
You're one of the few people who actually create a thread like this to introduce themselves (Pretty impresive ;D) - By that, I'm referring to the amount of text you wrote :p

Let me answer a few questions for you:

What is a hashtable?

You use them to store Data :) (VERY large amounts of Data)
You can only have 256 hashtables at once in a map.
Using hashtables is nearly 2x slower than using arrays.
You can save data into a hashtable under 2 indicies and load it.
This is VERY useful for some spells :) (Check out Archangel678's Spells that use Hashtables)
Personally, I prefer using structs in vJASS (2x faster), but Hashtables aren't bad (DotA uses hashtables for about 80-120 spells lol :p)

Would Periodic Triggers Lag? To what extent?

250 triggers in your map shouldn't cause lag, but if they're all periodic, your players would commit suicide :p
Usually, in your spells, you should use a 0.03 periodic event. (In vJASS, we use 0.03125 timers :p)


You can't detect MouseX or MouseY :p
You can't do multidimensional arrays in GUI (in vJASS, you can do 2)

What about Waits
Never use them in spells :p (They're VERY bad in Multiplayer games and could bug in some cases.)
Instead, just use timers (for vJASS).
In GUI, you would use Periodic Triggers.
If you're referring to waits in cinematic triggers, don't worry, use them as much as you want ;)
Level 7
May 13, 2011
Hey Blood, welcome to the Hive! Hope you enjoy your time here!

if you add a hero that farts lightning and pukes knock back effects... not sure how much greater that really makes a map?

That would be awesome. :grin: I don't fully agree, I think visuals take a great part in deciding how good/popular a map is. It's like any game: the gameplay, story, etc. are most important, but if you don't pay attention to graphics and atmosphere it can suck.

You're one of the few people who actually create a thread like this to introduce themselves (Pretty impresive ;D) - By that, I'm referring to the amount of text you wrote :p

you are one of the people who spent time making this wall of text.
for that, i salute you!!!

Just a note... I did that too. Unfortunately I got no (that's right, 0) responses.

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