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New Server in use + Icons section!!!

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Level 9
Sep 3, 2007
Coding Errors

Good job, Ralle. However I am getting this error message when I am viewing the news page.

Warning: getimagesize(/home/hiveworkshop.com/www/forums/../resources_new/images_res/map_no_image128.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /modules/newest_res.php on line 61

Warning: Division by zero in /modules/newest_res.php on line 77

Warning: Division by zero in /modules/newest_res.php on line 78
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I've found a few bugs too. For one thing I can't update any icons; it gives me a vB database error message.

Three more things to do with minimodding:
  • On the icon section, everything is in the B category, as the icons all start with BTN. Maybe make the letter go on the 4th letter instead of the first for icons?
  • Icons aren't showing a picture on the minimod thingy (like where the preview image normally would go for the models)
  • On the models minimod thingy, some resources I can categorize and others I can't. I press Save and nothing happens, and when I refresh they're still there. And I've waited a while to see if it was just lag. And it isn't. However, some resources I can categorize and they go nice and fast like normal.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
There are *Tons* of new things if you're unaware:

1) We're running our own server now, meaning Ralle bought the parts, built it himself, and runs it from home.

2) The hardware that Ralle is using is VASTLY superior to the stuff our old server had, meaning that we have *zero* downtime, and blazing fast speeds.

3) The server can now handle a larger load with no problem (more RAM solves this problem) which means more people can view the site without it grinding to a halt, and no more pesky "Server To Busy" errors, which were caused by our old servers lack of RAM.

4) It is way cheaper this way, since we're operating and maintaining the server ourself, we don't have to pay to rent it (as well as housekeeping/upkeep), meaning the hosting is that much cheaper.

So yeah, just about everything is improved thanks to Ralle's herculean effort (and spending). Make sure to try and donate, as Ralle purchased the server (Hardware is quite costly, especially top of the line parts like what Ralle has bought), so we should all try and help cover the cost!

Way to go Chieftain! :smile:
Level 15
Nov 1, 2004
The new server seems to be working so far. Hopefully things continue to run smoothly and we can resolve any minor issues that still exist. :smile:
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
The Hive Workshop

The only bug I noticed on the boards was my inability to rename a specific thread. However, after I cleaned my browser cache, it seems to have worked out.

This particular server change has gone FAR smother than any of the others: the near instantaneous DNS update made this move a real dream.

Well done Chieftain! ALL HAIL RALLE!

» HAIL «
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I got a server busy notice! Went away in about five minutes.

Glad to see it went so quickly and smoothly though!
umm i have an issue with the icon section. i put in the top "category" "spell" icons and then pressed go, and yet i get units, buildings, and other icons with very few spell icons.

It's the same thing the models have. The only minimod for the icons so far is me, so until some more are recruited (who actually do something) then they'll get recategorized very slowly.
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Icons. Can't stop loving it!

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