Chapter 6: Your Clothing is Ugly
Unfortunate, disoriented Melody lay on the grass. A stream of light poured from a small crack in the branches and leaves above her onto her face. She flinched, and quickly rose herself up.
Where am I?
To the right of her, a small bright-blue pond was located, which was more light a giant puddle. Around her was a thick forest of pink leaves, orange bushes, and knee-high bright green grass. What happened? I'm supposed to be in that loser's attic... I think...
She shook her head in disbelief, her eyes wide with confused fear. You know what would really calm me down right now? Bubble gum. Yes, bubble gum...
Her hand reached for her pink purse (which was miraculously still there), only to shriek in shock and horror. A pair of birds jetted out of the trees, their wings flapping away to retreat from the sudden burst of noise. No... no, no, no, no! I can't believe it... what are these hideous robes I'm wearing? Ew, ew, ew! These are disgusting! I need to change my clothes, and quick...
She wore messy brown robes that were stained with some white splatters. Even worse, she was barefoot, and a worm crawled up her foot. She screamed again and kicked it off. The worm flew into the pond, making a soft plump sound. The worm most likely drowned. "What did I do to deserve this, huh!" she yelled out. She shook her head, and took deep breaths. "Melody... this is just a bad dream. A bad dream, yeah. I'm gonna wake up soon."
She pinched herself on the cheek. "Ow!" Melody yelped. "Great! This isn't a dream; it's a living nightmare!" she yelled out, even though she was being monologue. "Uuugh!"
She hoarsely sighed. She let herself slide down a tree, and her bottom made a hard impact with the ground. She heard a loud crunch, which to her surprise, she sat on a snail. She yelled in rage, blurting out random grunts, and swatted the squished, gooey snail off her butt. Moments later, she became boggle-eyed and dumbfounded when she realized that she touched a snail, a smushed one. She quickly dipped her hand into the pond nearby. She let out a sigh of relief, which swiftly turned into a screech of horror. She felt something slithering on her hand, and she quickly yanked her hand out of the water. She saw an unmoving worm in her hand, apparently dead. She threw it at a nearby tree, making it explode upon contact.
"Why me?" she started. "Why meee!"
She kneeled down in surrender. I really need bubble gum. Now. She felt like a Barbie doll that had her hair ripped out, had barely any articles of clothing on, and was recently dumped by Kent.
She unbuttoned her purse carefully. With the hand she never touched anything revolting with, she pulled out a silver-covered bar. She unwraveled it with one hand, and popped it into her mouth. She began to chew, but that didn't help the situation she was in much.
"Excuse me?"
Melody jumped back, her gum almost launching out of her mouth. She stood back up, straight, still chewing her gum. "Who's there?" she questioned.
A light purple-skinned woman revealed herself behind a tree. She had glowing blue eyes and leaf-made robes with borders of white silk. Her lips were deep purple and rather small. "It looks like you're having some problems," she noted.
"You think?" Melody sighed.
"Umm... what are you eating?" the night elf asked. Her voice was sincere, almost angelic.
"Oh? I'm not eating anything," Melody answered. She absently chewed her gum more.
"Yes you are. Your jaws are moving up and down," the woman pointed out.
"Oh," Melody replied. "It's called... bubble-gum. And you don't eat it, you chew it," Melody corrected. She smiled, but it was crooked due to the circumstances she was in. Smushed snail, exploding worms...
"Would you like to be cleaned up?"
"Would I," Melody uttered, relieved.
The night elf beckoned. "Follow," she ordered gently. She began to walk off, as Melody followed.
"Your bath doesn't have worms, does it?" Melody queried.
The night elf chuckled softly, her hand covering her mouth.
* * *
"So, you say your name is Melody? Interesting name," the night elf complimented. She smiled sincerely and truthfully.
"Compliment or insult?" Melody answered, unamused. Melody wore one of the leaf-made robes that the night elf had in her dresser. This woman apparently lived in this little shelter she calls a home. It was only one room that was shaped like a cross. At the top was a bed, at the two sides were windows and drawers, and the bottom was simply open to the wilderness outside.
The night elf frowned. "Compliment," she reassured. "Please, call me Beth. That's my name."
"Alright, 'Beth.' How do you live in such a little house?" Melody wondered.
"This isn't my only home," Beth explained. "The wilderness outside is my home; I am a druid. Come to think of it, what are you in this world?"
"Pardon?" Melody asked, puzzled.
"You know. Are you a warrior? Obviously not," Beth teased. "Perhaps you're just a traveler who got lost."
"Maybe," Melody mildly suggested. She had absolutely no idea what she was, if this was what she thought was the World of Warcraft. I mean, Night Elfs, and all this elf stuff. A one-room house. Is this what Night Elfs really managed?
"So, could you explain that bubble gum you chew, while we take a stroll to Darnassus?"
"Sure," Melody stood up from the bed she sat on.
Beth began to walk outside her hovel, and Melody followed, not knowing what she was going to get herself into. Darnassus. Wonder what it looks like for real.
It wouldn't be a long walk. The shelter Beth lived in was not too far away from the road that led to Darnassus, the capital of the Alliance and home of the Night Elfs. The road the two walked upon was cobbled with gray stones, with some moss spots here and there. To Melody's relief, there weren't any hidden insects that she could see on the road. At least she wasn't barefoot now, and wore some comfortable simple brown leather boots. She knew she would have been given splinters otherwise. The areas off the road did seem repetitive with trees that looked like clones of each other and bushes that looked all the same. How could one ever find this sort of place "home?" It was quite the ugly thing to stare at all day long. Something much better to stare at all day is a wide-screen TV that's on and has some sort of good channel on.
Beth stopped and Melody bumped into her. She straightened herself back up, and peered over Beth's tall shoulders. "We're here: Darnassus."
A flat, huge, violet carpet sloped up a smooth stairway into a large, airy opening and structure. The structure's roof was lifted by magnificent pillars and split into two different directions, left and right. Beyond this entrance, a beautiful bridge hovered above crystal waters. More bridges could be seen that led to other little isles. To the left of her horizon, a temple structure stretched out to reach to the sky. Streams of sunlight poured down from the trees that shielded the light-blue sky above. Many tree structures with spiraling stairways around them could be seen. Surrounding Melody, open buildings could be seen, filled with a varying types of people: merchants, citizens, guards, priestesses, druids, and many more. Melody's jaw dropped open. "It's so beautiful," she managed to say. The gum nearly dropped out of her mouth, but Melody snatched it back into her mouth.
"Your first visit, I'm supposing?" Beth guessed.
"You could say that," Melody answered.
"I'll leave you from here to explore," Beth informed.
"Wait--What!? You're gonna leave me alone, in this huge atmosphere? Wow, you made me use the word atmosphere! That's how worried I am, alright? I'm using big words to show my worry!" Melody suddenly blurted out. She glared a frustrated look at Beth.
Beth only laughed aloud. "You'll be fine." She patted Melody on her shoulder. "I have some buisness to attend to anyways that you probably don't want to be part of. Explore. Make some new friends."
"But I don't have any money!"
"Stop making excuses. What about that bag you have? Look in there."
"But I have American--" Melody opened her purse as she was about to finish her complaint. She then realized it was filled with many coins, many of the color cold. She shortly shrieked, and snapped her purse back up.
"I told you," Beth replied, sarcastically. "Look, just buy some of your own clothing."
'A--Alright," Melody uttered. Beth walked away. Is she crazy?
Melody leaned against a pillar, wondering what to do. Nobody was watching her, at least, nobody that she could see. Maybe she could count how many gold pieces she had. It was a numerous amount in her purse, and her purse did feel heavy, come to think of it.
Just as she reached for her purse, a brown blur passed by and jumped at her. Melody screamed and wailed her hands in the air. She witnessed a rodent, probably a squirrel, retreat with the purse in its mouth.
"Hey! Come back here," she yelled out. She ran after the squirrel, and swore she could here the squirrel laugh. "Ugh!"
She raised her hand, which became engulfed within scarlet, orange sparks. If it was hot, Melody didn't notice. She pointed a finger at the squirrel, and a bolt of fire charged at the squirrel. The poor rodent looked back, its black eyes beady with fear. It sprinted away, but the fireball was too fast; it exploded as it collided into the squirrel. The squirrel jumped into the air, fell on its head, and hurled the purse behind a bush.
Melody ran towards her purse, shoving the incinerated squirrel away with her foot. She dug through the bush, and eventually yanked her purse out. Sighing in relief, her muscles eased themselves.
"Wait a minute...," she muttered. She glanced at the squirrel she kicked away, which was black with ash. Approaching the creature closer, she realized that it was nearly melting. "Cool! I'm a mage!" she yelled out. She covered her mouth with her hand as she realized what she had said was unrealistic. She looked around and, thankfully, nobody heard that. "Alright," she told herself. "I have to be careful what I say, or they'll think I'm a wierdo freak."
Taking advantage of her wizardly powers, she burried the squirrel into the bush, fortunately, without touching it. "So, if I'm a wizard, I'm gonna have to buy me some wizardly stuff. Alright, let's get shoppin'!"
Looking around, she found a sign that stated Magical Wares, with the faint picture of a pointy hat in the backround. She approached the building, and climbed up the stairs that led up to it. She saw a yellow-robed Night Elf man inside, and greeted him. "Hello there! You must be in charge of this shop?"
He nodded. With a regal voice, he answered, "Yes, I am. What is it that you seek?" He moved out of the way, and Melody saw that behind him was a wall of hooks, with different sets of clothing hung. Her eyes quickly caught a bright-pink robe, and she walked up to it. Feeling it with her hands, it felt smooth and almost watery. "How much is this?" she asked.
"Seven gold pieces, twenty silver pieces, and two copper pieces please," he answered. Hand opened, he extended his arm.
"Seven gold pieces?" Melody blurted out, stomping her foot. She realized it must be a powerful robe, in that case. "So, how much Intelligence and Spirit does it give?"
The night elf tilted his head. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"
"How much Intelligence and--" Melody covered her mouth, quickly realizing her mistake. "I mean... does this robe have any special powers?"
"Not that I know of. It's for the wizard to find out," he answered, smiling.
"Fine, I'll buy it," she answered as she opened her purse. She found out that the price he listed was nothing comparing to the amount in her bag.
"Is there anything else you'd like to buy?" the night elf asked, smiling, stuffing the money into a pouch on his waist. Melody took the pink set of clothes that included purple boots, a pink robe that was lined with purple streaks, and a pair of (what Melody described as) pink jeans that were meant to go under the robes.
"Hmm." Melody walked around. She eyed a tall, slender staff that had a bright, shiny pink orb on top. The orb seemed to be held by what resembled a bird's talons. "Cute," she complimented. "How much?"
"Exactly fix gold pieces and ten silver pieces," he replied. He extended his arm once more.
"A bit expensive, aren't they?" Melody asked as she handed the money.
"But they're only the finest of wizard gear, and you have good taste," the night elf complimented.
"Thanks," she praised. "Anywhere I can change, that's not open to the outside?"
"Upstairs," he pointed upwards.
* * *
Melody's eyes were shielded by a pair of black sunglasses. The equipment she wore stood out from many of the people nearby. She walked down a stone path in a sassy manner, as if she was bragging. Children pointed at her and said, "Look at that!" or, "Wow." She smiled when they praised her.
One of the children walked up to her. "What are you eating?" she asked.
Melody laughed, noticing everyone was asking that. "Bubble-gum, and I'm not eating it, I'm chewing it. You can blow bubbles with it, too," she explained, as she blew a bubble. It popped and it almost reached her nose. Nearby children laughed, and she couldn't help but smile back. She managed to gather the rest of her gum back into her mouth.
Melody continued her way around Darnassus, looking around, and acting unimpressed "to be cool," as she phrased it. She was a Barbie doll that was, as she should be, a Barbie doll.
"Hey!" Beth waved at her in the distance. Melody waved back as Beth caught up to Melody. "You know that bubble gum you have?"
Melody nodded. "Yes?" Melody's voice was stern and serious, with a tone that said "I know everything."
"Guess what?"
Melody raised a brow. "What?"
"It's popular now! You know how you gave me the ingredients? Some of the alchemists at my place have been able to make some, and in different flavors!"
Melody raised both brows. "Wow. How much are they?"
"Free for you, of course," Beth explained. "And that's not the best part, either."
"What is the best part?" Melody asked.
Beth's face lit up with cheer and giddy. Beth laughed aloud, even though there wasn't anything funny to Melody. "We had some of the wisps and construction workers build a statue that depicts you, Melody! Congratulations!"
Melody yelped, surprised. "A what? A statue? Holdup, rewind, remix. I tell you the formula of bubble gum, you tell it to your friends, the make it, they sell it, and suddenly you got me a statue?"
"Yep!" Beth smiled widely.
Melody stomped her pink hi-heels. "Well then, what are you waiting for? Show me!"
Beth quickly tugged Melody away, but she didn't mind. Beth led Melody across a bridge, and pointed. "There it is!"
Melody took off her sunglasses. A stone statue stood proud, alone on a large isle. The statue looked like Melody used the Avatar ability. It resembled her, and it had very good, close detail of her. Her eyes were open and she was smiling. On the pedestal she stood on, Melody saw some inscriptions on it. It read:
Melody, The Bringer of Bubble-Gum, The Hot Mage, and the Squirrel-Hating Human
"I guess they saw, didn't they?" Melody asked.
"Yeah, a child saw you chase that one squirrel," Beth informed. "But don't worry," she assured. "It happens all the time."
Melody nodded, and smiled. "Wow, all this, already, just for me?"
Beth's lips were moving, but they weren't projecting any voice. All seemed dead silent but still moving. Only one feminine voice could be heard behind her shoulder. Melody whirled around to see a night elf woman dressed with giant, thorny pauldrons and leaf robes like the ones Beth had, except the leaves were colored a shining sapphire. The night elf woman had long, purple hair that reached down to her waist. Her eyes glowed a courageous silver and she had a look of determination. But Melody could easily see through her mask, and saw that not only did the woman's look have determination, but behind it had a scarred, hurt past. The woman was talking to another night elf man, dressed in much simpler clothing that the citizens normally wore.
Melody listened closer, and she finally heard the night elf's voice more clearly.
"What? Stormwind is destroyed?" she asked in disbelief. She looked at the earth. "No, but that means Isaac... is he really?"