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Nerubian Birth

Birth animation for nerubians. To use it you have to import it as SharedModels\UBirth.MDX, but if you want to use it with imported building model you can open it (building) in model editor, find BirthLink in nodes and change path to war3mapImported\NerubianBirth.mdx. It will allow you to use this effect without changing birth animation for in-game undead buildings. If it gets approved I will change BirthLink in my models to use them with this animation. I would be happy to hear your opinions about this model - every constructive feedback is appreciated :D.

EDIT1: I made pillars less bulky and slightly changed their texture.

EDIT2: pillars are now closing, they also start moving earlier. I made them less sharp.

EDIT3: fixed pillars

birth, undead, nerubian, effect, animation, anim, stronghold, vizier, spider, summon, frozen

Nerubian Birth (Model)

13:24, 28th Oct 2015 Misha: Mighty fine birth model :) the pillars could have used lill more movement at their base, but it is good




13:24, 28th Oct 2015
Misha: Mighty fine birth model :) the pillars could have used lill more movement at their base, but it is good
Like Misha said, the stone pillers need better wrap. I also think that they should rise out of the ground sooner in the animation. It doesn't make a lot of sense for stone pillars to finally finish rising from the ground to assist in the construction by the time it's already nearly done.

Other than that, it servers its purpose and I don't often see custom building birth models. This could be very useful to people wanting to set their custom race apart from others.

Still, I'll have to only give it a 2/5 for now. But despite the low rating I do believe this will be quite valuable to some members' projects.
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
I would agree with some of the above comments. I'm not in a mood/position to really critique, but I am excited to see esoteric, rare model uploads like these (buildings & building construction models) getting brought in. Good on ya, mate.

I'm still on a see-saw about the overwhelming sharpness on the tips of those stones, no rock is ever gonna be that sharp.. and also, why don't you try animating the pillars further to slowly close around what they're building? like some rocky claws or so..

and yeah the blue magic needs to start lill sooner too and probably needs a fancier texture than that
I'm still on a see-saw about the overwhelming sharpness on the tips of those stones, no rock is ever gonna be that sharp.. and also, why don't you try animating the pillars further to slowly close around what they're building? like some rocky claws or so..

and yeah the blue magic needs to start lill sooner too and probably needs a fancier texture than that

Rocks can be that sharp. Happens quite often. Depends on the type of rock. Every type breaks differently. If you're going to try to critique something for realism, it would help to not be completely flawed in your perception of reality.

Ever heard of stone arrowheads or stone speartips? They're made by breaking stone into a point. By hitting it with another rock and letting pieces fall off as certain types of stone naturally break at a point; not by sharpening it. If it can be done by hitting it with a rock and it breaking off that way, then it can certainly happen in the natural environment when something huge collides with it, such as a boulder. If you've ever been to a mountain range, you've probably seen that while they're often rounded, there are still occasionally sharp edges to cliffs.

Not to mention that these rocks are being summoned out of the ground to build a structure, so the boundaries of reality have already far been exceeded. The rocks could end in the shape of a dragon if he wanted. The answer? Magic.
Rocks can be that sharp. Happens quite often. Depends on the type of rock. Every type breaks differently. If you're going to try to critique something for realism, it would help to not be completely flawed in your perception of reality.

Ever heard of stone arrowheads or stone speartips? They're made by breaking stone into a point. By hitting it with another rock and letting pieces fall off as certain types of stone naturally break at a point; not by sharpening it. If it can be done by hitting it with a rock and it breaking off that way, then it can certainly happen in the natural environment when something huge collides with it, such as a boulder. If you've ever been to a mountain range, you've probably seen that while they're often rounded, there are still occasionally sharp edges to cliffs.

Not to mention that these rocks are being summoned out of the ground to build a structure, so the boundaries of reality have already far been exceeded. The rocks could end in the shape of a dragon if he wanted. The answer? Magic.

err.. okay? o_O should i just say that i find that sharp of a shape outright bad? like.. if it were to have lill more geometry to it, then maybe.. but not atm.. just imo