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Need Verry good UNIT CREATOR!

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Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
You mean...
Unit names?
Or someone who can make custom units?

Please give us more information 'bout the map.
Cuz every unit has to fit with the map.
Level 7
Jun 29, 2008
Yeah sorry,i need hero creator, i will made the spells but i can't make good hero - name,selection scale,scaling value,shadow-s,attributes,movespeed,attackrate and other :).I will start the map on 1.24,when it's ready.I am thinking the idea for the map,type:AoS,tieleset:Village or Dalaran.Team 1:With Campaign-human creeps,Team 2:Night elfs may be:).Other information soon :)
Level 12
Dec 10, 2008
I could possibly help with this. I can make a few hero suggestions here with a quick back story.....


Proper name - Aldios Flarestar
Attack - Slightly higher then most creeps. (read the back story for reason)
Strength - Not the main attribute. Start at about 25
Agility - Not the main attribute. Starts at about 30
Intlelligence - The main attribute. Read the story for the reason. Starts at 40
Model - The captain model, without its sword, use this model for it instead
Golden Sword by Kitabake SFX the crap out this with any fore models you think look good.
Many years ago, a great warrior was said to have been slayed at the hands of <inster opposing race here>. Although thought dead by many people, he has since raised form the shadows once again. Over his many battle ridden life, he had faced many magical foes, and he has since learned the incatations for some spells. Utalising his knowlege, he know returns with a bloodthristy revenge, and a weapon ready to slay every foe in his path....

I'll edit this later with a few more ideas
Level 7
Feb 21, 2009

Proper name - Aldios Flarestar
Attack - Slightly higher then most creeps. (read the back story for reason)
Strength - Not the main attribute. Start at about 25
Agility - Not the main attribute. Starts at about 30
Intlelligence - The main attribute. Read the story for the reason. Starts at 40

how can a warrior's primal atribute be intelligence o_O
Level 7
Feb 21, 2009
yeah, but you can't simply put the name "warrior"

btw, i read the story, and it surprised me. 1st of all it must be a "undead warrior" cuz in the story said that he rised again. 2nd he said that he learned some spells from his enemyes, that takes him to the class "undead battlemage" or something like that

If you want your map to be cool, the parts of it must be same (heroes, items etc.), you can't just simply throw a unit there, name him warrior with no reason and the job is finished.
Level 12
Dec 10, 2008
You sir, fail at reading. He was RUMORED to be dead, the CLASS name was Warrior, the acual name I suggested was Aldios Flarestar.

Second, theres nothing wrong woth a battlemage. Its a class that NOBODY ever thinks of, and is quiet hard for people to grip there minds around (like you, for example). In no way is he "Dead". People can simple disapear.

You'd also be smart to note next time before commenting on an idea like this manner you just tried;

If you want your map to be cool, the parts of it must be same (heroes, items etc.), you can't just simply throw a unit there, name him warrior with no reason and the job is finished.

because you never acually though to read the thread starters first post, which lacks detail to create any kind of solid class for the game type. I would like to see you come up with an idea based on such stated facts in the forst post.

Read moar plaz

(PS: Don't be too afraid to tl;dr this, since you did with most of my idea post)
You sir, fail at reading. He was RUMORED to be dead, the CLASS name was Warrior, the acual name I suggested was Aldios Flarestar.

Second, theres nothing wrong woth a battlemage. Its a class that NOBODY ever thinks of, and is quiet hard for people to grip there minds around (like you, for example). In no way is he "Dead". People can simple disapear.

You'd also be smart to note next time before commenting on an idea like this manner you just tried;

because you never acually though to read the thread starters first post, which lacks detail to create any kind of solid class for the game type. I would like to see you come up with an idea based on such stated facts in the forst post.

Read moar plaz

(PS: Don't be too afraid to tl;dr this, since you did with most of my idea post)

The class name is what were talking about, basically you can give the CLASS any name you want but if you would be naming logically I think its not good to call the CLASS of that unit as a warrior so maybe you can rename it IF YOU WOULD LIKE which may be better.
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