OMG!!! iwas thinking of a huge boulder thingy!...but my friend said he saw that on another game and i want to stay original...but i didnt want to add the hero list cuz the post would get TOO long lol,well here they are:
Archess[think i spelled it right

specialty:Long Range Damage
abilities: Piercing Arrow[shockwave] Windwalk,Hunter Arrows[searing arrows]and Rain of Arrows.
Demon Slayer
specialty: Mana-Based Mellee
abilities:Holy Fire[immolation with "cloud"effect],Weapon poison[slow poison],Demon Rift[pocket factory],and Soul Release[demon form,but also kills all enemies around demon slayer after transormation with huge firey explosion :twisted: ]
specialty: Hand-To-Hand[duh :roll: ]
health:Very High
abilities:Fighter's Spirit[bloodlust],Fists of Fury[increases melee damage plus fire effects on his hands

]Dynamic punch [A scarily firey punch that stuns enemies]and finally,Kaeo-ken,and uber version of bloodlust that reddens the fighter on fire giving him super fast and a super powerful moment of fighting perfection :shock: ]Also if u noticed that i named it after Goku's move from Dragonball Z[back when it was cool

Last[But DEFINATALLY not least]
specialty: Healing And Divine Magics
abilities: healing hand[heal],divine aura[divine shield],Holy Cleansing[chain lightning but looks like healing wave],Holy Nova[locust swarm but replaced locusts with holy light] and The Most Important Spell In The Game, Angels Blessing: Ressurects Heroes from Death.
Each hero Posseses the ability "Reawaken" which is like riencarnation.
The Game Takes Place in not like a city, a little dungeon-ish but more like just an demonic abyss where demons rule their own domains.
like for example of a level, the lava maaze, where the walls are invisable so its hard to navigate, abyssal archer shoot from afar [this level is where archress is useful] and then i added a lever [for the curious people] that wen attacked,releases the lava spawn from their pen,attacking the heroes in large numbers :twisted: ] so its pretty much my version of hell.
Obviously a game this in depht, this does have a storyline, it seems after you[ :!: spoiler blocker :!: ] you just hit the tip of the glacier. they were just at the gates of the dark abyss,and theres still an entire world which keeps them from returning home......

....but there is a secret level to unlock, the realm of the raccoons [random huh?] there you can heal and buy items and units.[wont continue from there].
I Also Would Appreciate Any Alternate Spells For Archress and Fighter

sorry for long post, just needed to get that info out there