Need someone to help me with Alot!!

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Level 2
Jul 3, 2011
Hey all i tried making a new Vampirism, Vampirism Gold, And i made the map the way i want and now i need someone who knows a decent amount of stuff (well-rounded) to help me finish the game/map. They need to know triggers, respawn stuff and alot more :/ Im very noob when it comes to map making and new someone to teach me and help me make the new map!! You will be thanked GREATLY and also get credit on the map (alot of credit trust me i NEED help)

Please if you wish to help me we can talk via MSN or email

If u can help leave a post here with your email and MSN (if u have one)

I need help :/ please....?
Level 2
Jul 3, 2011
OK here some more info

Heres some more info :) (sorry i didnt see a topic edit button)

Hey all i tried making a new Vampirism, Vampirism Gold, And i made the map the way i want and now i need someone who knows a decent amount of stuff (well-rounded) to help me finish the game/map. They need to know triggers, respawn stuff and alot more :/ Im very noob when it comes to map making and new someone to teach me and help me make the new map!! You will be thanked GREATLY and also get credit on the map (alot of credit trust me i NEED help)

Mostly i need someone who has the time and patience to help me finish this map. Like i said all i have done is the map (like bases/trees)

What i need done (which i cant do)
~Triggers to vamp spawn
~When your human dies rest of your stuff dies aswell
~When you die you get re spawned as a vampire
~Having it so when i play the game i can have a custom unit
~(like vampirism beast if u guys know it)
~Having a countdown for vamp spawn, and the next gold you get
~probably more stuff like this when these things come up

What i need done (which I can do, however need help)
~making the human builds certain buildings
~having each building have upgrades for stuff
~finish loading screen and credits

If you wish to help me you will be GREATLY thanked and have your name on map loading screen for helping (with what u helped on)
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
I'll put up a test map and attach it to this post.
Here are the things you (probably) need to know:

The "Edit" button is on the bottom-right of your post.

1) Will be added to test-map.
2) Will be added to test-map.
3) Will be added to test-map.
4) How would you like this to be? You start out with a fixed custom unit, or you can choose your own unit (if so: how?) More information required.
5) Nope, don't know about vampirism beast. Explain.
6) Isn't the countdown about the same as request 1? Well, will add the gold-timer anyway.

7) This is really, really easy. Just change "Techtree - Structures Built" in the object editor. You can check out how do it in the attached map (once I attach it...).
8) Also really easy, change "Techtree - Upgrades To" in the object editor.
9) You should add credits whenever you import a file, then you don't need to worry about it later. Too lazy for loading screen.

I wonder: how exactly could you have created a map the way you want if none of the basics are there?
Maybe some objects and the terrain, but a map is the whole of objects (which are currently not really functioning in your map, as they don't upgrade/cannot be built) , the terrain and the triggers (without triggers, nothing will happen).

Edit: map attached. Unfortunately, I couldn't do that much due to the lack of information (I did what you asked, but sometimes I wasn't sure how exactly you wanted the systems to work).


  • Vampirism demo-map.w3x
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Level 2
Jul 3, 2011
I tried some of the things u asked me and still didnt work :/

Maybe I could send you the map and tell you what i want different?

I know this seems like a "high" demand but i really want this map to work...

It would be easier if we could talk through Instant Message...? have any suggestions how? I currently have MSN.

This also might be easier then doing the test-map, it wouldnt be tons of work but it would take some time, and im not sure if you have the time or wanna be that helpful or not :/

let me know ur thoughts
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
I dislike creating a bridge between internet and real life. I don't use MSN anyway, I dislike that program too :D
Either way, instant messenger programs are for real life, PM's/VM's/posts on threads are for the internet.

Erm... you can send me your map and tell me what and how you want it.
It's easier for me to work with your map (gives me a better idea of what you want as well).
I don't care whether you write an entire novel of things you want to see in your map, I'm used to reading a lot. And I've got some spare time.

One small note: if I don't feel like working on your map, I will not do it. That's just my personality :)
Sometimes I spend hours of work on someone's map and at other times I refuse to work at all.
Level 2
Jul 3, 2011
ok well i have to eat soon and help my mom some.. uh.. i can have a list for u by like 3-4 hours?

Also the list wont be everything i need, cause im still working on the map as we speak

I understand if u dont wanna Im thats fine, ill post my map and one of my lists shortly tonight

Also any time at all would help me greatly
, and you WILL be greatly very uber super credited once it is finished!!
Level 2
Jul 3, 2011
here is the map and the list so far... Goodluck :)


  • Vampirism Gold.w3x
    52.4 KB · Views: 60
  • list #1.txt
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Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
It's done.
A few notes:

1) in the world editor, go to File -> Preferences and select "Text Colors".
Find "Comment" and change the color to Custom: R: 128, G: 0, B: 192.
Press OK all the way through, that will make the triggers more readable for you ;) (because I added some information, in case you want to be able to do something like that yourself).

2) When creating a map, put all objects that belong to each other in the same category.
Example: the peasant should be a custom unit (leave the standard units as the are).
"Orc" and "Food Storage" and others should also be classified as "Custom - Human", so everything the player can do is in the same category.
Makes things a lot easier when you've got a lot of buildings/units.
I've changed this for you, but it's best if you learn to do so early.

3) The movement speed of a unit cannot be higher than its "Movement - Speed Maximum" (your speed base is set to 500, but the maximum speed is set to 480).
It's best to leave the maximum/minimum speed to 0 and just use base speed.
The base speed cannot exceed 400, unless you change the game constants (which you didn't), then it can reach 522 (in your game: max movement speed of 400).

I also added victory/defeat conditions (you didn't ask that, but oh well...).
Let me know if I forgot something.


  • Vampirism Gold.w3x
    60.4 KB · Views: 86
Level 2
Jul 3, 2011
Wow man. Thanks for your help!! I will look at the map once i get home later tonight :)

I still have to finish making buildings workers and vampire items.

Are you still open for more future work like u did before?

Also what do you want on the loading screen? Like a name, server website you name it man.
Level 2
Jul 3, 2011
(i got home and tested map)

Man i love what you have done, the timers and vamp spawn and human dying and re spawning works perfectly!

Only thing i have found that didnt work was when i play the game ( i as in Mineme) im still a peasant instead of an infernal....? But thats not a big deal at this point..working and other list as i make more buildings.. :)
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Awh, I read "Minime" (so the system reacts to that, not "Mineme")... small typo, I guess you can fix that ^^
Just go to the trigger "Init" and search for the comment that says "Spawn a peasant", right below that should be the condition:
  • (Name of tempPlayer) Equal to Minime
Change the "Minime" to your name ;)

I'm probably available, just leave a message if you want something done.
(The previous still counts: I only work on a map if I feel like working on it).
Level 2
Jul 3, 2011
hot dam ok ill change the typo now

Also my orcs dont get as much wood as i want them to, i honestly tried 5 things to make them get more wood, All i can do that helps is wood capacity...

do u remember what i have to edit to make them to change their like overall wood collection speed? cause atm their dont get wood as quickly as need be :/
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
1) Change the attack speed of the Orc.
2) Go to the abilities tab, find the "Harvest (Gold and lumber)" ability and edit "Stats - Duration Normal".

Note: attack speed is limited by the " Combat - Animation Damage Point" value (this value must always be lower than the attack speed).

I think you'll have to increase the HP of the trees then, otherwise they'll all disappear (unless that is what you want, of course).
Level 2
Jul 3, 2011
well i sent you a private message i think... lol heres the message if u didnt get it

ok heres another list and the map
I hope im not asking u for to much, if i am tell me ASAP!

~I worked on the map for bout 4 more hours today added some walls, and a tier,slayers,buildings and smoothed some edges on some stuff :) List #2 Map

Thank you again man!
Level 2
Jul 3, 2011
I have bad news, i decided not to finish my map, its just so hard for 1 person to make a whole game, i was wrong thanks for ur help tho sure did learn alot
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
never give up!
I made 3 rpg, 1 aos, 1 td, and 1 hero defense by my self
They still in construction, but soon will be in the map development, and i make them all alone, note that, alone (for system, yeah, alone, but for model, i have some people that help me)
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Indeed, I've also made a lot of maps that are about half-finished (some even for about 80% finished).
A guy named Septimus said that a map is nearly never finished. There are always things to do, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem.
So you may not finish it, but you can try at the very least to take it as far as you possibly can.

On a related note: I think you should learn how to use the world editor more properly before creating an actual project.
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