Nice idea's guys....i love em.....ok ill go ahead and release the storey on this forum.
Alpha 200
The year is 2032, on the NorthWest Border of America and Cananda
2 Platoons are being dispatched, Alpha Black and Alpha Blue
Platoon Discription:
Alpha Black: Bad asses all out assault, Brave and full of Bronze. Willing to do anything to get the job done. Can take down building and mountain sides in a finger stap. Only flaw is they are so hot headed and pumped up for action, they forget to pack extra amo and armor.
Alpha Blue: Layed back guys with tones of amo and heavy weapons. This Platoon prefures to be a fire suport. Smart and good on holding there ground. Not very afective runing into battle but purfect for covering any type of retreats!
Map Discription:
Longe ass lake between the 2 sided with 2 bridges on the south and north (there right next to eachother for trafic flow going in and out). There is an small Airforce Base in the center of the american side and a Army base on the top left. 2 Jets parked in the hanger of the AF Base. Nothing but trees and mountains on both sides, with a highway connecting to the bridges on both sides and a few durt rodes. No towns few houses on the Canandian side. A Canadian Reble Science Base (not located on map!) and a Canadian City (not located on map!).
Mission Statement:
Alpha Black and Alpha Blue are being sent to help the Army at the border, Mission is to hold the border and not to let any rebles make it to America.
Arivel at the bridge (Destination 1):
2 Hunvee's brings the rest of the platoon to each Platoon leaders. Droping 4 Army Riflemen and 1 medic (non heroes or replaceable).
Players Role:
All Players are Squad Leaders (only heroes in game).
Player 1. Is Alpha Black's PLT SRG. he is to live in order to compleat any Alpha Blacks Missions (trying to find a way to make alternative incase of red gone).
Player 6. Is Alpha Blue's PLT SRG. he is to live in order to compleat any Alpha Blue's Missions (trying to find a way to make alternative incase of red gone).
Medic can heal (ability made already) and revive any heroes (ability not made yet)
RifleMan just basic unit to give suport for missions.
The Virus Discription:
Canandian Rebles make a Virus to terrorize the Candandian Government.
Intended Sideafects:
Sickness, Couphing, Roting of teath, Red Eyes, Uncontrolible Movements, Uncontrolible Sineses, Bleading Gums, Bleading Eyes, Bleading Ears, Head Akes, Stiffness in all joints and muscles, Roting Fingernels, Hair Loss, Blindness, Hearing Loss, and Random Sorce.
Sideafects that happend:
Death, Tranfermation,
(Dont worry about reading this unless u want to its same up there) Sickness, Couphing, Roting of teath, Red Eyes, Uncontrolible Movements, Uncontrolible Sineses, Bleading Gums, Bleading Eyes, Bleading Ears, Head Akes, Stiffness in all joints and muscles, Roting Fingernels, Hair Loss, Blindness, Hearing Loss, and Random Sorce.
Side Crap:
The way the outbrake happends when a group of canandian rebles made a virus to infect the nearby city to terrorize the Canandain Government, the rebles thawt it was going like planed but withen 30 minutes it had spread to the entire city makeing everyone sick. They figure it was a good thing and cep puting more out. In time the people began to die but not fully....anyways u get the rest.
Ok i think that might give u guys enough info.....i hope