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need some advice for tower defense

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Level 11
Nov 13, 2010
hey all

so iam in the making of a tower defense and i need some advice

can a tower defense map handle 23 players ? and the units spawns 1 by 1 but 20 in all per level so that is 20 units for per player
if the map is full it is 460 units it seams a lot so i can use some advice on this thx
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Level 7
Dec 9, 2014
Warcraft 3 can certainly support that number of units but you do risk lag especially if your map is not optimized well or has a lot going on related to the units. You should also know that units will begin to stutter if there are too many units on the map owned by one player, so it's best to split them amongst multiple players if possible.
Level 11
Nov 13, 2010
ther is northing going on related to the units spawn other then the units only spawns 1 by 1 up to 20 units per level i made a map for 11 players and 1 enemy and there is no problem but that is also just 220 units if it a full map. so if it is only 1 enemy vs players how many players can i max use when the units only spawns 1 by 1 and northing going on when the units spawns ?
It doesn't matter how you spawn units or "nothing going on", whenever 1 player have more than X units, it will cause issues with Warcraft 3 Path Finding that all move orders uses resulting in units "randomly" standing still, moving "towards" the move-order, but not always in the closest direction, etc.
X is somewhere around 200 units, maybe 220, maybe 250, but it will happen around there...
You can push the limit if you want, then you need to experiment, but I keep it to less than 200 units/player in my map because I got issues explained by this.


Warcraft Moderator
Level 67
Aug 10, 2018
It doesn't matter how you spawn units or "nothing going on", whenever 1 player have more than X units, it will cause issues with Warcraft 3 Path Finding that all move orders uses resulting in units "randomly" standing still, moving "towards" the move-order, but not always in the closest direction, etc.
X is somewhere around 200 units, maybe 220, maybe 250, but it will happen around there...
You can push the limit if you want, then you need to experiment, but I keep it to less than 200 units/player in my map because I got issues explained by this.
Perhaps collision size and pathing (on/off) is a factor here. I know I've experienced issues with units ignoring orders/stuttering when trying to order ~60 standard units at once for a player.
Level 11
Nov 13, 2010
hey again so i dit some test first with 12 then 14 . 18 and 23 it seams i dont have a problem

here is what the map looks like atm
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