Need Loading Screen for a map!

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Level 3
Aug 26, 2009
Hello there.
I would like to know if any one can create one free-handed, with no picture to go from.
I need a loading screen containing a close-up of an Orc. You need to be able to see part of his top-body (shoulders that is) and his entire face (front), tricky part is I need it to be half-Orc & half-Undead (sorta like Two-face in Batman: The Dark Knight). Orc Part should look 'brutal' (I assume that shouldn't be too hard?) and Undead part should be a mix of skeleton and flesh, also with a brutal (mean) look.
But the face is not supposed to be the only thing on the loading screen. I'd like a "freaky forest" look in the background. Which is, in this case, a couple of trees with some (if possible) blight or blight-looking terrain. The picture has to be drawn so that it looks like he's standing outside in the middle of the night, though with the light of a torch or something in the background.
This might be a bit challenging, don't know as I don't draw myself, but hey, I hope someone's up for it!
It's for a single player-RPG I'm working on at the moment. Can't tell you much about it, as I don't wanna ruin the surprise, and it's far from done. But hey, I'd appreciate if any one could draw me the loading screen.

PS. the map tileset is Ashenvale. Ought this to be a help for when drawing :)
PSS. while we're at it, any one know who's good at communicating system triggers (with NPC's)?
PSSS. I will, of course, give + rep to the person that help me. :wink:
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