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Need help with units :)

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Level 1
Jun 14, 2011
Hi, i don't know how many times this question might have been asked or maybe its just silly.

You know those maps where you start with just a hero and kill creeps and release imprisoned units, well idk how to make those units neutral at the start of the game then turn them into my players when my hero is in their sight range or releases them.

Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance :)
Level 7
Apr 1, 2010
you set one player to rescuable(so in the secenario tab go to players, select a player and make it rescuable.) or if you only want specific units to be rescuable(instaed of all of the units of that color you do
  • Unit - Make Footman <gen 001> Rescuable by Player Group - Player 1 (Red)
and you do this for all units you want to be rescuable
Level 1
Jun 14, 2011
Thanks a lot! But I have one more question.
How do i make neutral hostile or enemy units spawn at a specific location at a certain time [say night time like zombies] or at specific intervals only after my hero enters the said area.

I need advice on how to automatically spawn them, and also on making them spawn only after my hero arrives and maybe stop after the hero leaves?.
Thanks again for all the help.
Level 7
Apr 1, 2010
you could use the trigger event,
Unit enters (whatever region)
create 1 unit at somepoint
for a spawn timer you could use
Time every 200 seconds
set sompoint = Center of spawn region
create unit at somepoint
custom script: Call RemoveLocation(udg_Somepoint)

Unit enters (Spawn Region)
trigger turn on (spawn timer)
for a spawn timer you could use
Time every 200 seconds
set sompoint = Center of spawn region
create unit at somepoint
custom script: Call RemoveLocation(udg_Somepoint)
Unit Leaves (Spawn Region)
trigger turn off (spawn Timer
Level 1
Jun 14, 2011
I haven't used triggers before but i'll try to do this. Thanks for the help, really appreciate it.
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