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Need Help with Tower Defense Spells

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Level 2
Mar 22, 2015
Hey guys, its my first td map
i have a few question and i hope you can answer.

1) Can i change the status of immolate to automatic activ? I have a Flametower, and this tower should use immolate. But the spell need to be activated 1 time. Is there a possibility to set the spell automatic active for every tower or can is use a trigger?

2) At the spawn the monster stick together in little groups , after the first cornor they walk straight in a row , can i change something that the monster beginn in a straight row?

I hope you can help me , pls remind i am a mapping newbie.
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
1) You can use TORNADO AURA ability to simulate a passive Inmolation. It's the same used in Dota for Radiance. Just adjust the effects (On building and target) and AoE. Alternatively you can use a Trigger to order the tower to cast inmolation once it's already built.

2) Spawn them one by one (Using a timer -advanced- or a periodic trigger), or use invisible path blockers to force them to walk one by one through a small gap when leaving the spawn zone.
Level 2
Mar 22, 2015
Thx for answering , i have already solved the immolate problem , i used a trigger , the invis gap sounds n1 , can you tell me how to create such a gap.

And i have a new Question maybe somone knows an answer.

My Ice Tower have the ability barage for multishot , and i added frostbreath for a slow , the problem is frost breath just works with aoe attacks, barrage just with single target? is this right? is there a possibility to make my ice tower shoot multiple targets ans slow this targets?

thx for answers
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
1) You can check in doodads for path blockers, some are visible, some aren't. Editor has an option to see the pathing, look for it. Still, spawning them gradually is better to avoid lag spikes.

2) I'm not sure, but i think Multistrike (barrage) only applies buff to the main target. You would have to use a Damage Detector, check the units damaged by a Frost towe, and create a dummy to freeze them.
Level 2
Mar 22, 2015
Thx Spartipilo and LordDz for the fast answers, i will try to block the was with doodads.
to the second part of your answer, i am still confused what you mean with a dummy, sorry i'm new at wc3 mapping :p hope you have patience to answer a bit more detailed what you mean^^
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