How to make a spell that can +def aoe . its a spell not aura.
modify the scroll of protection abillity to make it a hero ability then put in the area of effect and the armor bonus info.
how to make a spell that can +maxhp aoe.
1.) create a dummy abillity
2.) create this trigger
Event -
Unit starts the effect of an abillity
Condition -
The abillity is equal to your abillity
Action -
Selection - Select units within range of spell for owner of triggering unit.
Unit - Set life of (picked unit) to (max((percentage life of (trigering unit), 1000
how to make a spell that can +atkspd aoe
use endurance aura
how to make a spell that have chance will use thorn aura / counter the atack
if can in gui
Edit evasion and make the bonus damage = to amout you want repelled and edit the other stuff you want like percentage and tool tips
Hope I helped