Hello I'm currently facing aproblem with my Guildwars arena map I need to make it to where every spell is interuptable, meaning, lets say if you're a warior and you need a certain amount of adrenaline to use one of your sword attacks, how do I make it cancel the ability if you don't have enough adrenaline? Also there will be spells that are easily interupted that means if you take dmg at all while casting it it is interupted and there are spells that interupt other spells.
any help I'd greatly appreciate as this would be my 2nd map I've actually made and it's going to be 10 times harder to make then my dofus map.
any help I'd greatly appreciate as this would be my 2nd map I've actually made and it's going to be 10 times harder to make then my dofus map.