Need help with my first spell trigger

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Level 2
Jul 11, 2018
Hello i need help with my first custom spell.I read all the tutorials from the forum and i got this far...but now i'm stumped.What i tried to do was to make a small a AOE spell that heals and gives temporary armor to nearby owend/allyed units.I made the spell from thunderclap.In game it shows the animation,consumes mana,but heals no1(ps i want it to heal the caster to).Can someone with a littlee time on there hand take a look at it.And while we are here can some explain how do make a spell to be able to level up know level one gives 100 hp and 3 armor ,level 2 gives 150 hp and 4 armor etc.
Level 12
Nov 3, 2013
You've got the order of everything backwards. First you need to set the "Caster" I.e. triggering unit, then the location, then the group, then you'll loop through the unit group.

Then you should also do the change as the previous reply mentioned, 'picked unit'.

But you also need to change the "matching (((Player 1(red) controller) equal to player 1(red) blabla) to "owner of picked unit = owner of Caster" or "owner of picked unit is an ally of owner of Caster = True"

And finally, simply adding 5 armor won't work since that will be permanent unless you remove it with a trigger again.

Why are you using thunderclap, does the ability deal damage? If not, I would suggest using battle roar or something as that's an AoE ability that will allow you to give units armor temporarily without any trigger.

If you're using thunderclap for a certain reason or whatever, it will get a bit more complicated. Still, the easiest way to solve it should be to make use of a "dummy" unit, you simply spawn an invisible unit that will cast the battle roar spell.

p.s. you should also change the event from "beginning to cast an ability" to "starting the effect of an ability", otherwise players will be able to abuse this spell by cancelling it before it's fully cast, thus it won't cost any mana or have a cooldown, but you can still get the trigger effects. (So basically infinite free healing.)
Level 2
Jul 11, 2018
You've got the order of everything backwards. First you need to set the "Caster" I.e. triggering unit, then the location, then the group, then you'll loop through the unit group.

Then you should also do the change as the previous reply mentioned, 'picked unit'.

But you also need to change the "matching (((Player 1(red) controller) equal to player 1(red) blabla) to "owner of picked unit = owner of Caster" or "owner of picked unit is an ally of owner of Caster = True"

And finally, simply adding 5 armor won't work since that will be permanent unless you remove it with a trigger again.

Why are you using thunderclap, does the ability deal damage? If not, I would suggest using battle roar or something as that's an AoE ability that will allow you to give units armor temporarily without any trigger.

If you're using thunderclap for a certain reason or whatever, it will get a bit more complicated. Still, the easiest way to solve it should be to make use of a "dummy" unit, you simply spawn an invisible unit that will cast the battle roar spell.

p.s. you should also change the event from "beginning to cast an ability" to "starting the effect of an ability", otherwise players will be able to abuse this spell by cancelling it before it's fully cast, thus it won't cost any mana or have a cooldown, but you can still get the trigger effects. (So basically infinite free healing.)
Thx for the reply,and sorry it took me so much to answer ,my daily life keeps me occupied,ok i made the changes i took battleroar ,made it that human and heroes to use it ,made the changes but the spell dosen t work in game,i click the spell but it dosen t work ...
Level 2
Jul 11, 2018
Your "Target" group won't work because it should be "owner of Matching unit" and not "owner of picked unit".

Also, remember to delete your special effects after creating them, otherwise they will create a leak.
Ok I made the dam thing work but the roar buff only affects my hero, every one gets healed but the armor buff only affects my hero.
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