My map editor is messed up, it has 4 letters that are all scrambled. I don't really know why. And then in the place of the editor's suffix there's the name of the actual unit. The stats are all different, No categories, just weird letters like "file" for Art - Model Fle, and Art for Icon. Could you please help me with this problem. Or else it will be harder to mod... if I will be able to mod at all.
This makes me laugh my head off.
4 letters that are all scrambled
Your looking at raw data view like our helpfull map mod said.
Simply turn it off and all will go back to normal.
And so you know thoughs letters usualy stand for something if you look at the letters they are kind of like a code (USA = united stattes of america, as an example) and with some knoldge people can edit in that view with no problems at all.
And that view IS THE EASIEST WAY to get the raw data value of spells, units or doodads and such for use in jass so NO NOT THINK ITS BAD.
Next time something like that happens you should try looking under the options available to you at the top of the screen before posting since when that first happened to me before I knew what was happening I managed to find out what it was.
That also made me laugh since if he did not have enough memory the game would do the usual and show the screen of death or automaticly crash like civilzation 4+expansion does late game when a wonder is constructed on a 1.5 GB ram comp.
You realy should think more before replying since low on ram might cause WE to take eons to load(exaduratrion) but it would load as opposed to if it did not have enough ram it would display an error and crash.
Please note im not blaming you Scyth-Master that you were unable to know what happened but you realy should try looking at what you last did that maybe caused the change before replying that you do not know what happened.
And remember that if you ever need questions answered people on this site will happily answer them for you. . .