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Need help with abilities/Hero

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Level 2
Apr 26, 2007
Tales of Blood RPG Project

I was hoping to get an experienced ability/hero maker to help me with this... but if I can't i'd still like to learn how, and i've done a few searches on here trying to find a tutorial or similiar question defining what I need. I need to basicly create the abilities below.. I can get the logic.. just the syntax(And GUI) is failing me in the WC3 environment... in addition to applying graphics.
This is my first map/attempt.

Blood Champion
Primary Stat: STR

Ability 1: Blood fist - The Blood champion Digs his hands into the unit for X x his strength bathing in the blood of his adversary to restore HP. Done!
Ability 2: Blood Blink - Gave him a Blink spell to a target for attacking (untill I think of something better) Done!
Ability 3: Blood Transfusal - The Blood CHampion sacrifices his own health to heal an ally or damage an adversary. Done!
Ultimate: Blood Wake - The Blood Champion surges forth at lightning speeds seemingly becoming like blood as he damages enemies in his wake.
Aura: Blood Fountain - Chance to restore for allies on attack Done!
Can anyone lend a hand?

Also.. do I need to do a condition so you can't target teammates?
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Level 3
Apr 26, 2007
Tales of Blood RPG Project

I was hoping to get an experienced ability/hero maker to help me with this... but if I can't i'd still like to learn how, and i've done a few searches on here trying to find a tutorial or similiar question defining what I need. I need to basicly create the abilities below.. I can get the logic.. just the syntax(And GUI) is failing me in the WC3 environment... in addition to applying graphics.

Blood Champion
Primary Stat: STR

Ability 1: Blood fist - The Blood champion Digs his hands into the unit for X x his strength bathing in the blood of his adversary to restore HP.

This is my first map/attempt.

So lets start with "Blood fist"

Game - The Hero abilities button is lcicked
Conditions - Ability being cast equal to BLood Fist
Actions - Set castingstr(integer) = (strength of (triggering unit)(include bonuses))
Unit - Cause (triggering Unit) to damage (Target unit of ability being cast) dealing (1 x 2) damage of attack type spells and damage type normal

Here's the problem, I can't change 1 X 2 to the variable I just set (Castingstr)
and next problem of course is the second part of the ability.. Adding life based on the damage done.

I'm assuming i'll need another integer based variable,

Set damagedealt = Total damage done (How do I find the total damage done?)


Unit - set life of (triggering unit) to damagedealt

Ability 2: Blood Fountain - Passive ability, chance on hit to restore HP

Create ability based on Bash, create a buff based on heal.. is that the right path? or will I need to be doing some trigger with a percantage boolean?

Ability 3: Blood Transufal - The Blood CHampion sacrifices his own health to heal an ally or damage an adversary.
Ultimate: Blood Wake - The Blood Champion surges forth at lightning speeds seemingly becoming like blood as he damages enemies in his wake.
Aura: Bolstered Blood - HP regen, upgrades every 10 levels.

Can anyone lend a hand?

Also.. do I need to do a condition so you can't target teammates?

For 1: I would suggest changing the event to
  • Events
  • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
The condition doesn't go with the event. "Hero ability button is clicked" would go with a condition like "Ability button clicked = to", so that probably wouldn't work.

For the blood fist, I usually do this for setting hero attribute levels and such, there could be an easier way, and someone else will probably point it out, but here's the way I do it.
  • Blood Fist Ability
  • Events
  • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
  • Conditions
  • (Ability being cast) Equal to Blood Fist
  • Actions
  • Set Caster = (Casting unit)
  • Set Target = (Target unit of ability being cast)
  • Set casterstrreal = (Real(casterstr))
  • Set casterstr = (Strength of (Blood Knight) (Include bonuses))
  • Unit - Cause Caster to damage Target, dealing (casterstrreal x 2.00) damage of attack type Spells and damage type Normal
  • Unit - Set life of Caster to ((Life of Caster) + (2.00 x casterstrreal))
And since you're dealing damage by your strength times 2, this would mean that you could check the damage by doing that same thing when setting the life.
You need to set the life of the caster to (Life of Caster) BEFORE you do the other equasion, otherwise I don't think it will work.
These probably leak, but what do I know.. I took these pretty much off the top of my head. For all I know, they could just not work

Oh, for ability two, just base it off vampiric aura.

Edit: for your last question.
Just choose the targets in the object editor so it has to be an enemy.

Also, I don't quite get what your ultimate ability does.

And for Blood Transfusal, that's pretty easy, i'll explain it later lol.
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Level 3
Apr 26, 2007
Please use trigger tags and copy and paste triggers so that they are accurate to avoid confusion.
Are you talking to me?

EDIT: Oh, and how about this. I'll create a Blood Wake ability based on how I think you want it to look, put it in a map and see how you like it.
Level 3
Apr 26, 2007
Though your trigger could be fixed up (no variable spamming, Starts the Effect of an Ability, etc), it should work.

oh, and please edit your posts instead of double posting.

Yeah, like I said, the variable thing works for me. I know you could just set the variable in the start ability trigger, and I just now realized that :emote_neutral:
Edit: okay, fixed up.

Also for your "blood fountain" I don't think that will work, because in order for the actions to take place, the unit has to "Cast" Blood Fountain, and since it's a passive ability, you won't be casting it. I don't know how to fix this, so.. I can't help you there =/
Level 2
Apr 26, 2007
Are you talking to me?

EDIT: Oh, and how about this. I'll create a Blood Wake ability based on how I think you want it to look, put it in a map and see how you like it.

That'd be cool, If you want to help :)

Still can't figure out the Passive ability though :(
Level 3
Apr 26, 2007
That'd be cool, If you want to help :)

Still can't figure out the Passive ability though :(
I would suggest basing it off of vampiric aura.. that would probably be best.

Also, i'm still messing around with the blood wake.. so it might be a few days before I actually finish it :emote_grin:
Level 2
Apr 26, 2007
I would suggest basing it off of vampiric aura.. that would probably be best.

Also, i'm still messing around with the blood wake.. so it might be a few days before I actually finish it :emote_grin:

Do you have AIM or MSN?
Level 8
Sep 13, 2006
Okay, so I have a really simple but possibly effective way to make your blood wake thing. I am not 100% sure what you want, but I'll take a whack at it:

Base of off impale, set height modification to zero, make image be blood effect (under spawned effects maybe?). Once the spell is cast, hide the caster, move him to the end location of the spell, and unhide him. This would make it appear as though he really did turn into blood, and it would serve your damaging purposes quite effectively....
Level 7
Jun 4, 2006
Ability 2> "Be sure that only one Player can get this Hero"

  • BloodFountainSetCASTER
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Learns an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Hero skill learned) Equal to Blood Fountain
    • Actions
      • Set BFLearner = (Learning Unit)
      • Trigger - Turn Off (this trigger)
  • Blood FountainEFFECT
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Is attacked
    • Conditions
      • ((Attacking Unit) has Aura Buff) Equal to True
    • Actions
      • If (All conditions are true) then do (Actions) Else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Random integer number between 1 and 100) Less than or Equal to (10 x (Level of Blood Fountain for (BFLearner))
        • Then - Actions
          • Unit - Set Life of (Attacking Unit): (((Life of (Attacking Unit)) + ((50)) x (Level of Blood Fountain for (BFLearner)))
        • Else - Actions
          • Do Nothing
Chances [10%/20%/30%/40%/...]
Healing [50hp/100hp/150hp/200hp/...] - NOT % of attack
Level 11
Jul 12, 2005
Look at my tutorial.

-BloodFist is the similar to "Deal damage based on attribute points", but you have to use the "Set life ..." action instead.
-Blood Fountain is exactly the same as "Creating custom abilities" ...
-I don't know what's so hard about Blood Transfusal, it's a two-line trigger with two "Set life.." actions.
-For Blood Wake, please be more specific. You want it to slide forward (like a Blink) and damage enemies in a line? Or what?
Level 2
Apr 26, 2007
Look at my tutorial.

-BloodFist is the similar to "Deal damage based on attribute points", but you have to use the "Set life ..." action instead.
-Blood Fountain is exactly the same as "Creating custom abilities" ...
-I don't know what's so hard about Blood Transfusal, it's a two-line trigger with two "Set life.." actions.
-For Blood Wake, please be more specific. You want it to slide forward (like a Blink) and damage enemies in a line? Or what?

I took a look at your tutorial for my Blood Fountain ability and based it off of an aura like it suggested.. some tinkering and it worked

As far as blood wake, kind of like Morphs ability from DOTA but with Blood waves, and maybe a bit wider
Level 3
Apr 26, 2007
Do you have AIM or MSN?
I have MSN, and my mom is being a *not nice person* so It may take even longer than I expected..
-Blood Fountain is exactly the same as "Creating custom abilities" He already said this was done
-I don't know what's so hard about Blood Transfusal, it's a two-line trigger with two "Set life.." actions. -Done!
Level 2
Apr 26, 2007
Seems like the first use of the abillity the ability doesn't do the damage, second use it does.

almost like i'm not declaring the variable soon enough, but thats all i'm doing haha oh well.. i'll test some more.

Blood wake is confusing me a bit. I can make an alternative but its going to take some tooling.
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