- Joined
- Aug 30, 2009
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- 114
Hello everyone...
I'm in need of help to make two spells of mine work properly
First is a nova of lightning with dummies, everything works fine but when
the dummy touches enemy units, nothing happens. Usually I use variables,
but I tried to make with Hashtable, wich I'm not very familiar and I'm
trying to learn it, with variables I would be able to create this spell
easily, but I want to learn how Hashtables work. The dummy spell is just a purge.
If someone can help, here goes the script of the first skill:
And my second spell, I tried to create Dota's Cranium Basher... which is a item that gives a chance for bashing the enemy
unit with 2 seconds cooldown, 25% chance for melee, 10% for ranged units. I tried to make it without using dummies
to stun, so it can look much better for ranged units to stun (withou stunning before their projectile hits the enemy) and
it can stun magic immune units. So I did the following:
Created a copy of Bash spell, made it 100% chance and renamed it.
Create the trigger when any unit is attacked and here it goes:
But, the point is... if I remove the TriggerSleepAction, the trigger works but without cooldown, and if I use the SleepAct,
the trigger fails and nothing works.
Can someone help me? Thank you.
I'm in need of help to make two spells of mine work properly
First is a nova of lightning with dummies, everything works fine but when
the dummy touches enemy units, nothing happens. Usually I use variables,
but I tried to make with Hashtable, wich I'm not very familiar and I'm
trying to learn it, with variables I would be able to create this spell
easily, but I want to learn how Hashtables work. The dummy spell is just a purge.
If someone can help, here goes the script of the first skill:
function Trig_Twilight_of_the_Thunder_God_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
if ( not ( GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A0YF' ) ) then
return false
return true
function TotTGCond1 takes nothing returns boolean
return ( IsUnitAliveBJ(GetFilterUnit()) == true and IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE) == false and IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) == false)
function TotTGAct3 takes nothing returns nothing
local unit U = LoadUnitHandleBJ(S2I("Caster"), S2I("TotTG"), udg_Hash)
local unit T = GetEnumUnit()
local real D = 25.00 + (25.00 * GetUnitAbilityLevel(U, 'A0YF'))
local group G2 = LoadGroupHandleBJ( S2I("Affected"), S2I("TotTG"), udg_Hash )
local location L = GetUnitLoc(T)
if ( UnitHasItemOfTypeBJ(U, 'I03A') == true ) then
set D = D + 25.00
if IsUnitEnemy(T, GetOwningPlayer(U)) then
call CreateUnitAtLoc(GetOwningPlayer(U), 'u000', L, 0)
call UnitAddAbility(GetLastCreatedUnit(), 'A0YG')
call IssueTargetOrder( GetLastCreatedUnit(), "purge", T )
call UnitApplyTimedLife( GetLastCreatedUnit(), 'BTLF', 1.00 )
call GroupAddUnit(G2, T)
call SaveGroupHandleBJ( G2, S2I("Affected"), S2I("TotTG"), udg_Hash )
call RemoveLocation(L)
call DestroyGroup(G2)
set U = null
set T = null
function TotTGAct2 takes nothing returns nothing
local unit U = LoadUnitHandleBJ(S2I("Caster"), S2I("TotTG"), udg_Hash)
local unit array D
local integer I = 1
local integer E = 18
local location L1
local location L2
local group G
local group G2 = LoadGroupHandleBJ( S2I("Affected"), S2I("TotTG"), udg_Hash )
exitwhen I > E
set D[I] = LoadUnitHandleBJ(S2I("Dummy") + I, S2I("TotTG"), udg_Hash )
set L1 = GetUnitLoc(D[I])
if ( UnitHasItemOfTypeBJ(U, 'I03A') == true ) then
set L2 = PolarProjectionBJ(L1, 25 + (5 * GetUnitAbilityLevel(U, 'A0YF')), GetUnitFacing(D[I]))
set L2 = PolarProjectionBJ(L1, 15 + (5 * GetUnitAbilityLevel(U, 'A0YF')), GetUnitFacing(D[I]))
call SetUnitPosition(D[I], GetLocationX(L2), GetLocationY(L2))
set G = GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching(115.00, L2, Condition(function TotTGCond1))
call GroupRemoveGroup(G2, G)
call ForGroup(G, function TotTGAct3)
set D[I] = null
set I = I + 1
call SaveGroupHandleBJ( G2, S2I("Affected"), S2I("TotTG"), udg_Hash )
set U = null
call RemoveLocation(L1)
call RemoveLocation(L2)
call DestroyGroup(G)
call DestroyGroup(G2)
function TotTGAct1 takes nothing returns nothing
local unit U = LoadUnitHandleBJ(S2I("Caster"), S2I("TotTG"), udg_Hash)
local trigger T = CreateTrigger()
local unit array D
local integer I = 1
local integer E = 18
local location L = GetUnitLoc(U)
local group G = CreateGroup()
call SaveGroupHandleBJ( G, S2I("Affected"), S2I("TotTG"), udg_Hash )
exitwhen I > E
set D[I] = CreateUnitAtLoc(GetOwningPlayer(U), 'u01C', L, (20 * I))
call SetUnitScalePercent( D[I], 180.00, 180.00, 180.00 )
call SetUnitFlyHeight(D[I], 10.00, 0.00)
call UnitApplyTimedLife(D[I], 'BTLF', 2.50)
call SaveUnitHandleBJ( D[I], S2I("Dummy") + I, S2I("TotTG"), udg_Hash )
set D[I] = null
set I = I + 1
call TriggerRegisterTimerEventPeriodic( T, 0.05 )
call TriggerAddAction( T, function TotTGAct2 )
call TriggerSleepAction(2.50)
call DestroyGroup(G)
call DestroyTrigger(T)
set U = null
call RemoveLocation(L)
function Trig_Twilight_of_the_Thunder_God_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local unit U = GetTriggerUnit()
call FlushChildHashtableBJ( S2I("TotTG"), udg_Hash )
call SaveUnitHandleBJ( U, S2I("Caster"), S2I("TotTG"), udg_Hash )
call TotTGAct1()
set U = null
function InitTrig_Twilight_of_the_Thunder_God takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Twilight_of_the_Thunder_God = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( gg_trg_Twilight_of_the_Thunder_God, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )
call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_Twilight_of_the_Thunder_God, Condition( function Trig_Twilight_of_the_Thunder_God_Conditions ) )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Twilight_of_the_Thunder_God, function Trig_Twilight_of_the_Thunder_God_Actions )
And my second spell, I tried to create Dota's Cranium Basher... which is a item that gives a chance for bashing the enemy
unit with 2 seconds cooldown, 25% chance for melee, 10% for ranged units. I tried to make it without using dummies
to stun, so it can look much better for ranged units to stun (withou stunning before their projectile hits the enemy) and
it can stun magic immune units. So I did the following:
Created a copy of Bash spell, made it 100% chance and renamed it.
Create the trigger when any unit is attacked and here it goes:
function Trig_SmasherStun_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
if ( not ( UnitHasItemOfTypeBJ(GetAttacker(), 'I040') == true ) ) then
return false
if ( not ( IsUnitEnemy(GetTriggerUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(GetAttacker())) == true ) ) then
return false
if ( not ( IsUnitInGroup(GetAttacker(), udg_Item_SmasherCooldown) == false ) ) then
return false
return true
function Trig_SmasherStun_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local unit U = GetAttacker()
local integer chance = 0
local integer roll = GetRandomInt(1, 100)
call UnitRemoveAbility(U, 'A0YE')
if IsUnitType(U, UNIT_TYPE_RANGED_ATTACKER) == true then
set chance = 10
elseif IsUnitType(U, UNIT_TYPE_MELEE_ATTACKER) == true then
set chance = 25
if roll <= chance then
call UnitAddAbility(U, 'A0YE')
call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(GetOwningPlayer(U), 'A0YE', false)
call GroupAddUnit(udg_Item_SmasherCooldown, U)
call TriggerSleepAction(0.50)
call UnitRemoveAbility(U, 'A0YE')
call TriggerSleepAction(1.50)
call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_Item_SmasherCooldown, U)
set U = null
set chance = 0
set roll = 0
function InitTrig_SmasherStun takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_SmasherStun = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( gg_trg_SmasherStun, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ATTACKED )
call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_SmasherStun, Condition( function Trig_SmasherStun_Conditions ) )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_SmasherStun, function Trig_SmasherStun_Actions )
But, the point is... if I remove the TriggerSleepAction, the trigger works but without cooldown, and if I use the SleepAct,
the trigger fails and nothing works.
Can someone help me? Thank you.