I kind of need help creating an AI for a custom map. I want the AI just to order all his unit to attack and like just order them to attack them, but i dont want like a certain type of unit dead i want the whole group dead. (Something like NOTD AI)
Event - Unit - A unit comes within 3000.00 of COMPUTER
Condition - (Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 1 (Red)
Action - Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units owned by Player 12 (Brown)) and do (Unit - Order (Picked unit) to Attack-Move To (Position of (Triggering unit)))
Event - Time - Every 60 seconds
Condition - /
Action - Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units owned by Player 12 (Brown)) and do (Unit - Order (Picked unit) to Attack-Move To COMPUTER)
Event - Unit - Enters Region AMBUSH
Condition - (Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 1 (Red)
Action - Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units owned by Player 12 (Brown)) and do (Unit - Order (Picked unit) to Attack-Move To AMBUSH)
Okay that works but it will only chase red, what if red dies? How will it go after the other players?