Need a model of fur pelt (item)

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Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
Im making a map where you can kill animals and collect there fur and need someone who can make a piece leather/fur model i can use as a item.

It doesnt have to be super great quality maybe u could even get away with using a rock model with some in game hair texture. Just needs to look like a lump of fur.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
Yeah i seen that bear rug only prob with that is its only good for grizzly bears and i needed something a lil less specific.

Actually after playing around with Magos and and Vertex Modifier for half a hour i was able to make one thats not half bad. But if you want i can send u what i got and maybe you can improve on it.
There. i dont know what specific ones you want so i made a bunch.


  • bearpelt.mdx
    3.2 KB · Views: 95
  • deerpelt.mdx
    3.2 KB · Views: 99
  • rabbitpelt.mdx
    3.4 KB · Views: 61
  • raccoonpelt.mdx
    3.4 KB · Views: 70
  • owlbearpelt.mdx
    3.5 KB · Views: 69
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
I added particle emitters to give them that WC3 item look and re-skinned the bear with mammoth fur. Modified the raccoon one and re-skinned it to look like arctic wolf, its a bit bright but i just tone down the color in object editor.

Huge thanks for the models tho, it was huge improvement from the rock that i re-skinned with animal fur i was gonna use. If you want me to add particle emitters to the other ones or want to look at the ones i edited let me know.

Thanks again!

deerpelt.JPG mammothpelt.JPG whitewolfpelt.JPG
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
Can you post them here, those look absolutely smashing. And also, it would be super if you added Furbolg, Gnoll, etc etc furs too.

Ehm... Ok I should go now XD

Thats up to Pyramidhe@d, if he doesnt want to i will with his permission.
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