for the main AoE spells like blizzard, rain of fire, starfall and monsoon there is no way to give custom buff, you need to edit the origional buff but with death and decay you can apply custom buffs (do this by going into the buffs/effects tab at the top, copying the death and decay (buff) hanging the target animation then do the same with death and decay (effect))
for extra damage, make a spell based from the claws of attack + whatever
then do this:
Attack Bonus: whatever you want it to b
Item Spell: false
Tooltip - Normal: whatever you want it to b
if its a hero ability, do this:
Attack Bonus: whatever you want it to b
Levels: however many you want it to b
Hero Spell: true
Item Spell: false
Required Level: 1 (should already be on 1)
Learn: Learn |cffffcc00N|rame - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]
Tooltip - Learn: whatever you want it to b
Item Spell: false
Tooltip - Normal: whatever you want it to b
Level 1 - Tooltip: |cffffcc00N|rame - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r]
Level 2 - Tooltip: |cffffcc00N|rame - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r]
Level 3 - Tooltip: |cffffcc00N|rame - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r]
and more if u want
hope this works 4 u... sorry if anything above is wrong, i dont have WE open right now... :roll: