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Need a Knockdown-Animation for RPG-Model or Medieval Hero(s)

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Level 1
May 9, 2010
Hey you Modelartists out there,
I dont have a clue how to create my own animations or even own models, so im asking for your help!
As i plan to create a Guildwars-inspired PvP-Arena, i would love to have a Knockdown-Animation for the fighting Units.
For those who dont know how a knockdown looks like or dont know what its all about:
Its a Unit hit by a Ability thats falling to the ground (or lets better say: its smashed down) and standing up again after about 2 seconds. Its used in Guildwars for a different Stun-System that makes it much harder to keep your enemy in stunlock.
Best model would be Villager or a Random RPG-Model that can get attachments so i can use it for all characterclasses.

So if somebody got the time to do this for me, i would be very thankful!
Level 1
May 9, 2010
Well, there are many models made "for nothing" but ye i think i gonna try it by myself, may take few days to start since ive absolutely no knowledge in graphic/animation works.
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