• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Naturalistic Log and Mushroom Building

This is my first model that includes scratch modeled elements and custom animations.

They're only Birth, Death and Work animations but baby steps :wink:

It is quite simple and not terribly creative or imaginative , but I think it is generic enough that other people (especially newbies) could find it useful for scenery or a creep race's building. I'm using it for a Mushroom oriented training building.

The base scale is quite large, so in the Object Editor: Scale 1 would be a good size for a townhall type building, but Scale 0.8 seems like a good fit for a barracks.

P.S. the Custom Texture isn't well utilised but I plan on using it across multiple later models, so it'll fill out with more custom art later.

There's now a Standard Version without a custom texture. Much reduced file size.

Naturalistic Log and Mushroom Building (Model)

Standardised Log Building (Model)

General Frank
A fine model edit with some custom geometry and a fine eye for fitment and coherence. Some of the particle emitters could be better and improved and some geometry polished up. But all in all this is quite good and the model works in-game and has no...
Level 18
Jun 4, 2023
This is a nice idea, but the execution still needs work.
There are still a lot of issues and you can improve this model by a lot.

Fix these issues please. The geoset issues are very severe and might cause issues.
I think you can make the model without using custom textures.

I've replaced the model and reduced the warnings. The remaining warnings I don't understand tbh, i.e. I don't understand the terminology, sorry.
The checker says the sequence extents shouldn't be a problem in game.

I'm working on one with standard textures, but I don't promise a masterpiece ;P

One of my other personal models uses bits from many standard textures which I just copied onto the one image so I didn't need 15+ geosets. My logic was also that the game had to refer to fewer textures which might be beneficial (?).
Is it preferable to avoid custom textures mainly to reduce file size?
I've replaced the model and reduced the warnings. The remaining warnings I don't understand tbh, i.e. I don't understand the terminology, sorry.
The checker says the sequence extents shouldn't be a problem in game.
They can be though. If you don't understand things please send me a personal message.

One of my other personal models uses bits from many standard textures which I just copied onto the one image so I didn't need 15+ geosets. My logic was also that the game had to refer to fewer textures which might be beneficial (?).
If you use in-game textures it already is smaller than using a custom one, especially if the custom one is just copy and paste of parts of in-game ones.
The file size of geoset headers and logic chunks is small enough and it does not matter how many geosets you have as long as it is below 255.

Is it preferable to avoid custom textures mainly to reduce file size?
Yes definitely. :)
Level 18
Jun 4, 2023
Updated the original model and added a Standardised model using only internal textures.
Sanity tester seems to be happy.
Wasn't too bad fixing those problems because I think I understand some the nuts and bolts of the models a bit better now. Also caught some other problems or oversights.

Also lowered the plateau/base so the building sits closer to the ground, fixed the Stand sequence chimney puffs, re-assigned a few erroneous vertices to their proper geosets and added a small light to make the Polypores stand out a bit more. Their intended vibrant orange was becoming more washed out in-game.
Level 18
Jun 4, 2023
That's because it's the opposite of the birth animation. Perhaps it should construct from a lower point and descend lower/slower. I'll take another look on a steep cliff. I think it makes more sense for a soil foundation to subside than to simply vanish.

Or is the problem that it looks awkward if someone tries to build over it quickly?
Level 18
Jun 4, 2023
Keep developing, @Bleeq, we need more modelers 🙂👍

P.S. General began to rank Oo

I'm working on my own personal models but I'd really like to make more generic ones for people to share.
If people have ideas on generic models that are lacking I'd like to have a go at them.

Is there stuff that people have said "how the hell isn't there an X custom model after all these years?".

At least that way my effort doesn't go to waste '-_-
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
Geez how am I just finding you... This is really great. Such a perfect little structure, good for Kobolds, Witches, Mushroom Treants, Trolls... Tons of cool stuff fits here. Nice & simple, unique silhouette, Custom & In-Game textured versions... What's not to love?

I'm working on my own personal models but I'd really like to make more generic ones for people to share.
If people have ideas on generic models that are lacking I'd like to have a go at them.

Is there stuff that people have said "how the hell isn't there an X custom model after all these years?".

At least that way my effort doesn't go to waste '-_-
This is a really cool attitude. I'm often delightfully surprised by the kinds of things that somehow still haven't been made, ~20 years into Warcraft's modding history. I don't think I know of any other 'holes' off the top of my head, but I kinda think we should make a Thread for it in the Modeling section, sorta crowd-source that very question!
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