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My Terrain Showcase

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Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
I like the Morgen-Kammer one alot.
I would rate that with a 9/10 because.. dunno, something attracts me to it. I really like it. Only thing it misses might be a littlebit of river rushes or shrubs.. maybe just 1 or 2 in the front.. a liiiiiiiiiiiiiittlebit vegetation:) But apart from that 9/10 is pretty high;-)


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
You were a great source of inspiration, I can't imagine what this site will be like without you. I think we all relate to what you described, as slaves under the machines, haha.
Thank you for everything, and may your life prosper Great Keiji.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
Great, but I have a few concerns. Firstly, you missed a spot; here, and here. I do realise the latter is playable, but just separate it from the others. Secondly,
You were a great source of inspiration, I can't imagine what this site will be like without you. I think we all relate to what you described, as slaves under the machines, haha.
Thank you for everything, and may your life prosper Great Keiji.
Who the hell is this jackass and what is he doing in your thread?
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
Best of luck friend. The knight will be always at your service whenever you need him.
Whatever you do in your life, always be true to yourself and always remain the 'Gentleman Bastard' I've come to adore soo much!
Level 12
Jan 13, 2008
Hm, can you maybe give me some advice on how to make a beautiful terrain like this with warcraft 3 resources only. I am making maps for over 7 years already but this terrain..is..mindblowing.

I would like to make a terrain for my current RPG in wc3 style but it should look..quaint is the right word I think. Almost cute? In a way like this: https://schwingeninswitzerland.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/dsc_0013.jpg
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Hm, can you maybe give me some advice on how to make a beautiful terrain like this with warcraft 3 resources only.

Gods no, this is why we have tutorials.

It'd take me forever to explain every little detail of what makes a good scenic terrain,
however, if you start working on it and post your WIPs here in the Terrain Board, then
I and others will more than likely give you advice on the go.

I would like to make a terrain for my current RPG in wc3 style but it should look..quaint is the right word I think.

For this and for parts of the previous quote I'd like to refer to myself.

Basically, making a good looking scenic terrains using no imports is hard even for
the best terrainers, there are some few doodads that are mandatory in order to make
a scenic terrain, like the "Glow" doodad from the UTM for lighting, and other detail
oriented doodads. And, as I stated in the cinematic contest, it is 100% possible to
make warcraft-looking terrains with decent looking imports, your terrain don't need
to look like shit just to look like warcraft, so to speak.

Oh, and, if you intend to be extremely difficult: There are loads of doodads in the UTM
that are very old and retain this so-called "wc3 look" that you're after, which will still
make it better looking than a no-import terrain would be.
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Level 12
Jan 13, 2008
Gods no, this is why we have tutorials.

It'd take me forever to explain every little detail of what makes a good scenic terrain,
however, if you start working on it and post your WIPs here in the Terrain Board, then
I and others will more than likely give you advice on the go.

For this and for parts of the previous quote I'd like to refer to myself.

Basically, making a good looking scenic terrains using no imports is hard even for
the best terrainers, there are some few doodads that are mandatory in order to make
a scenic terrain, like the "Glow" doodad from the UTM for lighting, and other detail
oriented doodads. And, as I stated in the cinematic contest, it is 100% possible to
make warcraft-looking terrains with decent looking imports, your terrain don't need
to look like shit just to look like warcraft, so to speak.

Oh, and, if you intend to be extremely difficult: There are loads of doodads in the UTM
that are very old and retain this so-called "wc3 look" that you're after, which will still
make it better looking than a no-import terrain would be.

Thanks, by advice I really just meant advice..like 1-2 tips. I did not expect from you to write a tutorial ;) But you did that with your post, so thanks for that. I will check some important custom models out even tho I prefer to import as less as possible. Keep the good work up and +rep
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Tutorials, experimentation and posting terrains to get critique.
Basically, most terraining skills come from hours and hours spent alone
fooling around with the editor, and then aesthetic aspects come from getting
comments on what you post, while techniques are learned from tutorials.
- So in short: Basically everyone and nobody.
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