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My Spell Plaguelands: HELP please :'(

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Level 3
Nov 2, 2004
I already made skill and stuff, but it won't be able to be activated ...

It's based on an item-ability
what's that in english, darn ^^
erm, the ability all undead buildings have, the one which turns the ground undead ....

the item "Sacrifice-Skull", which can be purchased at the undead-shop ...

hope u got it what i mean *whine*

SO, when i click on the finished ability in-game, just nothing will happen. Is it possible to change the usage of a spell, so that i can target an enemy with that spell ?

Big thx in advance for your help.

MfG JunJee

P.S.: OMG, just recognized a second thing, there is an item called Rune Bracer which grants 33% Spell-Resistance, I changed it to an heroability, but it won't work,why?

I can learn it and stuff,but it won't have any effect ...
It's supposed to be an aura when finished, please help me :cry:
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
I'm afraid you cannot simply make an ability aura by changing its area of effect if it isn't an aura. The skill is excellent for Darky's Multi Aura though. Just change the fields a little and it will work.

As for Sacrificial Skull... Do the following stuff:

1. Base the spell on any single target skill (Finger of Death works as well... like Eusira says). Change it so it doesn't do any damage. Now... make a secondary DUMMY SKILL which will be used by a DUMMY UNIT. The skill will be equal to your Sactificial Skull skill or whatever you called it. For more info about these unit/spell check the FAQ. Now, use the following trigger:

Event - An unit starts the effect of an ability
Conditions - Ability being cast equal to (Yourability)
Actions - Create one dummy unit at position of (Target Unit of ability being cast) for (Owner of (Casting Unit) facing Default Degrees
- Order (Last Created Unit) to Undead - Sacrificial Skull (or whatever) at position of (Target Unit of Ability Being Cast)
- Wait 1.00 seconds
- Remove (Last Created Unit)

If you don't have the abilty for Sacrificial Skull I have another method.
Level 3
Nov 2, 2004
thx for your help but it can't be done this way because my sacrficial skull is the ability of the item, and the trigger with the issue order won't let me choose a custom spell or item-abilities to use as the ability being cast.
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
No problem... I have a solution for this but you have to be careful. We will need no Sacrificial Skull skill now but still we will need a dummy unit. Give the dummy unit the ability the necropolis has which creates blight. Blight Creation or something like that. Anyway, give that ability to your dummy unit. Now, let's go to the trigger.

Event - an unit starts the effect of an ability
Conditions - Ability being cast equal to (Yourability)
Actions - Create one dummy unit at (Position of (Target Unit of Ability being cast).
- Wait 1.50 seconds
- Remove (last created unit)

That should do it I think.
Level 3
Nov 2, 2004
Thx for your help, I'll do the spell as you said, although it means I have to change it a bit, because first it was expected to increase area of effect per level, but this will solve it perfect I think.
Big thx !

€: Eusira said that I have to edit a spell for that rune-bracer-aura to work, how do I do that ?

Or, can someone do this for me?
Because I want to have some spells on my map which are not so common, I want it to have some new stuff ;)
Because it's a unofficial third part of a very famous map, but it doesnt get updated. Now I do it because i love the original ^^
Level 3
Nov 2, 2004
thx ^^
but i got one more question ^^

Is it possible to tell a unit via triggers to use a specific level of a spell?
that would solve many of my problems ^^
(or is it possible to add custom spell to the list from which u can choose spells when u make a unit using it per trigger, u cant choose custom spells made there :'( )

You'll hear much more from me, since i need to do 19*2*4
spells for my map, because there are 19 heroes per side all with custom spells :D

MfG JunJee

(since you are such a nice community, I will translate the tutorials from nemesis into english as good as i can to give something in return for your help here, thx again ;) )
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
Nope... because triggers mostly work at orders for units very close to how the player does so... I don't think there is such a trigger. Tell me more about this and I may find a solution. And you don't need to repay us. We are here to help! But it's nice from you that you want to help as well. We appreciate your help. ;)
Level 3
Nov 2, 2004
All my spell-problems are based on this ...
Is it possible that i can attach an effect or a spell with triggers onto another spell ?
or just edit a spell so it shows up in the pulldown menu in the triggers?

If there is a solution, then I would be veeeeeeeeery happy ...

A, and got a new question, just finished a new spell for my minotaur, it's based off immolation, but when I change the animation (original it's the green sphere) then it won't be looped, it shows up one time, then it's gone, but i want it to loop so you can see that my tauren has activated it's "ancestral rage"

darn WEditor :'(

It's annyoing to call for help everytime you create a new spell
But I just finished my first character which just worked as i wanted it at first try :D
that's so freaking awesome ^^

MfG JunJee
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
Ok... for the first stuff you need to use Object Editor. But for some spells you need to look deeper so you can find the solution. Good luck scouting. ;)

For the second problem... You need to have the spell animation based on a looping model. Looping models are pretty obvious by now (example: Starfall, Tranquility, Immolation, Auras, Shadow Strike, Soul Burn etc) and certain models are NOT looping (ex: Roar, Holy light, Resurrect, etc). You can get a modeler to fix you a model to loop but I for one can't.
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