My project; LotR: Wars of the Dark Years

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Level 2
Nov 15, 2004
I began this project in responce to the awful Second Age maps of Middle-Earth on B.Net. It is an interesting and little known period in Tolkien's history of Middle-
Earth, and i think it deserves a qualitiy map to portray it. The other maps on this time period, such as Last Alliance and Second Age are medioker and poorly made. Nothing is microed and on Last Alliance there are no custom abilities. I started this project a month ago and im not even to triggers yet. Im still working on units and abilities, but everything is looking great in that respect. I will need someone to help me with the spawning system and possibly create a few skins and icons. Also im open to suggestions on abilities. It looks, in a whay, to the likeness of War of the Jewels, my favorite map on B.Net. Here are some features that i have in my map that are not done in LA or Second Age.

-Microed units
-Custom skins and icons
-Custom abilities for all heros
-More factual heros and units (i did a crap-load of
research on all this)
-Moria is split between orcs and dwarves (obvious battlefield)
-Improved landscaping and ground textures

Here is also a list of player and team's names.

-Red:Arnor; includes Bree, Annuminas, Fornost, Aman-Sul, and Elostirion.
-Blue:Minas Ithil; includes Minas Ithil, Osgiliath, and Umbar (takes most of the brunt from Mordor and Harad.)
-Yellow:Minas Anor; includes Minas Anor, Pinnacle of Orthanc, Pelagrir, and Lossanarch.
-Teal:Sindar and Noldorin Elves; Controls Grey Havens, Imladris, Ruins of Hollin, and the Havens of Amroth.
-Grey:Silvan Elves; Elven Halls, Caras Galadhorn, Ered Lanc, and Fangorn.
-Orange:Dwarves and Lesser Men; Carrock, Mansions of the Blue Mountains, Kazad Dum, Esgaroth, and Dale

-Dark Green: Angmar (not supposed to be in the s.a. but added for balancing purposes); Carn Dum and Dunland.
-Pink: Orcs of the Mountains; Mount Gundabad, Pits of Moria, and Withered Heath.
-Light Blue: Easterlings; Rhun, Nurn, and Khand
-Purple: Harad; Near Harad and Haradwraith
-Brown: Mordor; Dark Tower of Bara-Dur

If anyone has any suggestions, coments, or wants to help with this project, please post a reply.
Level 2
Nov 15, 2004
Well, instead of training a castle, which makes no since, i want to creat a research that upgrades troops thats named somthing to the effect of "Elven Battle Craft lvl 1" for elves. Whatever castles do for Ring Wars or War of the Jewels, i want this research to do for my map. Also it would reduce lag because you wouldnt have 200 castles added to the map.
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