this game allows you to do just about anything which is very detailed, each organic creature has a specific cell structure and mechanisms have specific blueprints, designs, prototypes and equations which you are able to use in game.
this creates infinite [literally] possibilities, you can gather screws off the ground for a day [in real time] and melt them down to create a bionic hand which you can wire up to your own nervous system after cutting your biological hand off, after that you have to wire in microchips and program the functions [this can be chosen to be done professionally like a realistic script or using the basic functions provided. note: realistic script will be less limiting]
or you could use the metal to cut a tentacle off an "alien" and sew it to your shoulder after amputating your right or left arm which can create a replacement limb.
the medical enhancements such as this will require a series of chemical vaccinations and cells from various things [meaning skin samples or reproductive extract, etc {because sperm and embryo are off putting words}]