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My AI script does not work

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Level 7
Sep 10, 2022
Hello again. I am working with the AI editor, and I am making simple AI for not melee map. I have watched some videos (pretty old) before and I have a basic understanding how to do it. But every time I launch my map, the AI does nothing... I posted successive screenshots to show exactly what was done.

1. General tab

2. Heroes tab

3. Building tab. The base building is Town Hall (AI). (AI) is editor suffix. The workers, barracks - they also have (AI) suffix. I build some workers, then swordmen, the farm and some swordmen.

Note that my custom race workers do not take up a supply. Also note that then in the triggers before I run the "campaign script" for player 3, I make him an ally for player 1 (i.e. real man)

4. Asset manager


I figured that I can't edit the full path of .ai file. I don't know if this is a problem. But in older versions (maybe before Reforged) I remember that I can edit the full paths.

5. At last I use these triggers:



Do you have any idea what I did wrong? The AI doesn't want to work. I haven't touched the Attacking tab but it doesn't even execute the build...
Level 3
Dec 11, 2022
I had my share of sleepless nights fighting AI scripts. I wrote them without the help of the editor however.

Sadly I don't remember most of the pitfalls. The largest issue is that the editor does not report the errors that it encounters in the script and silently fails. If I had to guess it probably either can't find the script, can't find the definition for a unit type by it's code, syntax error or typo (unlikely with the editor's help). That's all the concrete issues I can think of as of present. Again, there might be runtime exclusive issues but I no longer remember any of the details.

I suggest to study the AI scripts for the original campaign. Then write your own in a text editor. Prior to 1.31 the original scripts were stored in War3x.mpq/Scripts. Of particular interest to you are common.ai which declares all the AI specific natives.

Check your script with this tool. An error should be reported if the script has something missing.

Since you use the AI editor, make sure the AI has gold and lumber as well as the town hall to start the whole script.
Level 3
Dec 11, 2022
For this kind of check pjass should work too. Recent versions of the game package this tool with the game itself.
Level 7
Sep 10, 2022

Check your script with this tool. An error should be reported if the script has something missing.

Since you use the AI editor, make sure the AI has gold and lumber as well as the town hall to start the whole script.
Well, I checked my script. No errors. I also have starting position for AI with gold mine and lumber.

Then, I figured out something. I always ran the map using "Test Map" in Map Editor. But I decided to run through Warcraft 3 directly. I add 2nd and 3rd players, making both of them standard computers. And all worked. That is, everything worked out as soon as I entered the game and filled the slots...
Then why didn't ai work through "Test Map"?
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