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Murloc Exploration

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is my first map I've ever completed, please don't be too harsh: This is a small map where you play a murloc, there are 2 types of weapons in this game 1 sword and 1 shield altrough I didnt make a special system yet so you can wear as much of both as you like, there is a way of ending the game, it ends with a bad cinematic, please post your oppinions.


Murloc Exploration (Map)

14:35, 14th Dec 2008 Rui: The map is not complete, according to Wolverabid, and since it hasn't been updated, I doubt it will. [highlight]Rejected[/code].




14:35, 14th Dec 2008
The map is not complete, according to Wolverabid, and since it hasn't been updated, I doubt it will. [highlight]Rejected[/code].
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Well Its just my first/test map, and you dont die quick if you kill them on the right side, those are weaker. and they give zomby blood(healing potions) if you want weapons the go search them ^^. there are 2 items hided in the map (or just kill creatures and hope you get them, most likely you will get them from the skeletons)