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[Trigger] Multiple Mana burn

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Level 6
Feb 27, 2008
Put simply, i want a spell which casts a mana burn at all enemies in a 300 range around the target. Additionally, though, it deals 800 damage spread out to all targets and heals the caster for 800 health (easy enough)

problem is, while i'm like "mkay imma mana burn all enemies and heal my hero and stuff" my computer is like "NO U" . Basically, when the spell is used, all the units take damage, have their mana drained and are killed a short time after (basically, the bolt duration from the mana burn spell). I checked my triggers, double checked them and i can't find the problem. I use dummy units, and to make sure the trigger doesn't spawn 1239878 dummies which all mana burn and kill the victims or something, i set the food spending value to 1. And sure enough, there were only 4 dummies for 4 targets. So it's not it.

Maybe the triggered damage is wrong? Don't think so, i removed it and it still killed everything.

Maybe the triggered healing ? Once again, i removed both the healing and the damage and it still killed everything.

Here's the trigger :

  • Events
    • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
  • Conditions
    • And - All (Conditions) are true
      • Conditions
        • (Ability being cast) Equal to Energy sap [Q]
        • (Unit-type of (Casting unit)) Equal to Demonic Assasin
  • Actions
    • Unit - Set life of (Casting unit) to (800.00 + (Life of (Casting unit)))
    • Set Loc[1] = (Position of (Target unit of ability being cast))
    • Set Loc[2] = (Position of (Casting unit))
    • Set Group[1] = (Units within 300.00 of Loc[1] matching ((((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of (Casting unit))) Equal to True) and (((Matching unit) is alive) Equal to True)))
    • Unit Group - Pick every unit in Group[1] and do (Actions)
      • Loop - Actions
        • Unit - Cause (Casting unit) to damage (Picked unit), dealing (800.00 / (Real((Number of units in Group[1])))) damage of attack type Spells and damage type Normal
        • Unit - Create 1 Caster for (Owner of (Casting unit)) at Loc[2] facing Default building facing degrees
        • Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Night Elf Demon Hunter - Mana Burn (Picked unit)
        • Unit - Add a 0.30 second Generic expiration timer to (Picked unit)
so, eh... what's wrong?
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