- Joined
- Sep 25, 2005
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Well, more experimentation, more problems. This time I was trying follow instructions to create abilities that are pretty much instanced in individual structs and methods. I think I screwed up to be honest.
The spell in question is supposed to make a cone of lightning balls, linked by lightning effects. The balls are supposed to do damage when they connect with an enemy and have large enough collision that even at full distance, the "beams" appear to do damage as well.
Multiple instances of this spell being cast cause the game to outright crash. Single casts work fine. I also tried to set a sort of GroupEnum loop (to deal damage) inside the "move" loop that iterates through each "ball" and moves each lightning, but that somehow just completely stopped whatever was going on and one ball would just wander off, forever moving against the border of the map.
For reference, the loop I was trying:
The "SetBoundedX/Y" functions are literally just functions meant to keep it within playable map area.
If someone has a solution or improvements/optimizations to this, feel free to peep at me.
The spell in question is supposed to make a cone of lightning balls, linked by lightning effects. The balls are supposed to do damage when they connect with an enemy and have large enough collision that even at full distance, the "beams" appear to do damage as well.
Multiple instances of this spell being cast cause the game to outright crash. Single casts work fine. I also tried to set a sort of GroupEnum loop (to deal damage) inside the "move" loop that iterates through each "ball" and moves each lightning, but that somehow just completely stopped whatever was going on and one ball would just wander off, forever moving against the border of the map.
For reference, the loop I was trying:
exitwhen enemy == null
set enemy = FirstOfGroup(LightningConeEnumGroup)
if IsUnitEnemy(enemy, GetOwningPlayer(localLightningCone.caster)) == true and IsUnitAliveBJ(enemy) == true then
call UnitDamageTarget(GetTriggerUnit(), enemy, 125., true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE, null)
call GroupRemoveUnit(LightningConeEnumGroup, enemy)
The "SetBoundedX/Y" functions are literally just functions meant to keep it within playable map area.
timer LightningConeTimer = CreateTimer()
real LightningConeInterval = .012
real LightningConeSpeed = 12
integer LightningConeInstances = 0
group LightningConeEnumGroup = CreateGroup()
LightningConeData array LightningConeArray
struct LightningConeData
unit caster
unit array balls[6]
player casterOwner
lightning array beams[5]
real distance
real maxDist
static method LightningConeExecution takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local integer ballcount = 0
local unit enemy
local LightningConeData localLightningCone
exitwhen i >= LightningConeInstances
set localLightningCone = LightningConeArray[i]
if localLightningCone.distance < localLightningCone.maxDist then
exitwhen ballcount == 6
call MoveUnit(localLightningCone.balls[ballcount], LightningConeSpeed, GetUnitFacing(localLightningCone.balls[ballcount]))
if ballcount != 0 then
call MoveLightning(localLightningCone.beams[ballcount], true, GetUnitX(localLightningCone.balls[ballcount-1]), GetUnitY(localLightningCone.balls[ballcount-1]), GetUnitX(localLightningCone.balls[ballcount]), GetUnitY(localLightningCone.balls[ballcount]))
set ballcount = ballcount + 1
set localLightningCone.distance = localLightningCone.distance + LightningConeSpeed
if localLightningCone.distance >= localLightningCone.maxDist then
set LightningConeInstances = LightningConeInstances - 1
set LightningConeArray[i] = LightningConeArray[LightningConeInstances]
call localLightningCone.destroy()
set i = i + 1
if LightningConeInstances == 0 then
call PauseTimer(LightningConeTimer)
static method create takes unit whichUnit, real speed, real range returns LightningConeData
local integer i = 0
local real facing = GetUnitFacing(whichUnit) + 30.
local LightningConeData data = LightningConeData.allocate()
set data.caster = whichUnit
set data.casterOwner = GetOwningPlayer(data.caster)
set data.distance = speed
set data.maxDist = range
exitwhen i == 6
set data.balls[i] = CreateUnit(data.casterOwner, 'o002', GetUnitX(data.caster), GetUnitY(data.caster), (facing - (10 * i)))
if i != 0 then
set data.beams[i] = AddLightning("FORK", true, GetUnitX(data.balls[i-1]), GetUnitY(data.balls[i-1]), GetUnitX(data.balls[i]), GetUnitY(data.balls[i]))
set i = i + 1
if LightningConeInstances <= 0 then
call TimerStart(LightningConeTimer, LightningConeInterval, true, function LightningConeData.LightningConeExecution)
set LightningConeArray[LightningConeInstances] = data
set LightningConeInstances = LightningConeInstances + 1
return data
method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = 0
exitwhen i == 6
call KillUnit(.balls[i])
set i = i + 1
set i = 0
exitwhen i == 6
call DestroyLightning(.beams[i])
set i = i + 1
function LightningCone takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local LightningConeData localLightningCone = LightningConeData.create(GetTriggerUnit(), 25., 900.)
//====================================/ Condition /====================================================
function checkLightningCone takes nothing returns boolean
if GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A006' then
call LightningCone()
return false
//======================================/ Init /========================================================
function InitTrig_Lightning_Cone takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger localTrigVar = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(localTrigVar, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
call TriggerAddCondition( localTrigVar, Condition(function checkLightningCone))
set localTrigVar = null
If someone has a solution or improvements/optimizations to this, feel free to peep at me.