I would like any help I can get. I'm confused on your stringing thing. lol? And the melee leak?
Guess its easy to tell this is my first major experimentation into triggers.
I guess it is useful to read the tutorial forums then:
Also, this tutorial might come in hand if your starting out for the first time:
How to begin triggering for the complete beginner
By the way what are you not getting about the string conversion I mentioned earlyer?
Here, maybe a picture helps?
A leak basically means that whenever something does not get removed and stays in memory for the entire game, it takes up some of your RAM memory.
A location is one of these things.
In your Melee Initialization trigger you create a unit which is created on a location.
In order to make sure that the location that you've used gets removed from the memory you would have to set a variable to that location, then use that variable instead of the location and afterwards use a custom script to remove the location.
This is done by pointing the script to your variable that you've used.
In order to create a variable you would have to get into the variable editor. To do so, click on the icon that I've made red and create a new variable by clicking on the green x + icon.
In your trigger use the action: Set Variable to give a value to the variable.
after you've done this you can use this same variable that you've set in your trigger in other triggers, so for example:
If I made 2 triggers where in the first trigger I set a integer variable to be 12
Then I would be abled to return that value in the second trigger by specifying the integer variable I created in the first trigger.
The custom script is called Jass script. This is basically the language in which GUI triggers are created. Some things you might want to do in GUI can only be done in Jass because they simply do not exist in GUI. To use Jass through GUI however, you can use a custom script action.
For example: the RemoveLocation() function can only be called in Jass because there simply is no action for it in GUI.
In Jass variables from the variable editor are specified by putting udg_ before the name of the variable. So in order to perform the RemoveLocation function you would have to create an action in GUI called Custom Script, and then manually type in the following:
call RemoveLocation(udg_My_Location_Variable)
where My_Location_Variable is the variable that you've used to create the unit.
I hope this helps
EDIT: to learn more about leaks I suggest you read this:
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