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Multi-level help

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Level 9
Jun 27, 2007
Your only choice is to do what Mechmap said, Warcraft 3 is not capable of handling more than one floor.

You COULD replicate the effect of multi-level pathing but it would have to be a single-player experience and it would involve alot of complex triggers.
Level 3
Aug 24, 2007
Three simple ways you can do it:

A) Create invisible platforms on top of locusted+invulnerable units that have the floor model type and then set their flying height to the floor's height. Then you just create a trigger which "Animation - Set Unit Vertex Colouring" with a transparency of 100 (or less if you want to vaguely see the next floor) to all units on other floors whenever the unit enters a floor.

B) Do A) except have only one floor-board set and move the units on the Z axis to the floor level instead of setting transparency.

C) Create doodads(with floor model type) as floors* with invisible platforms on them and this system: http://www.wc3campaigns.net/showthread.php?t=85952&highlight=tree+fade

NOTE: Invisible Platorm is found in the Bridges/Ramp section of Doodads.
*To move doodads up and down on the Z-Axis use "the pg up" and "pg dn" buttons

If you map is multiplayer I would reccomend you use C as it is very multiplayer friendly.

Hope this helped!
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
@seruk: He did, although only two levels. Maybe you can do it for more, but I doubt it.

@joosh_7: I don't think any of those will work because he wants three floors. Yours will only work for two. Although could you do it so that they weren't on top of each other? So you go up stairs that go over. If you get what I mean. Hard to explain.

Also your link was to a tree model and system. Not anything to do with floors. It's cool though, thanks for the link! :p
Level 3
Aug 24, 2007
If you read it he actually explains that you can change it for other doodads aswell and the changing of the floor tile is easy to do. Also, my system isn't made for 2 floors (where did you get that from?) because you can easily do a:

Unit Group Floors = All of the floor units in the building
Region Building = The region of the floor (make the furthest part of the stairs outside the region)

Event- A Unit Enters Region - "Building"
Condition- Z height of Unit = (Z height of a floor)
Action- Pick Every Unit in Floors:
If Picked Unit Z height = (Z height of that floor) then
Set Vertex Colouring of Picked Unit to 100%, 100%, 100%, 100%

Thats really, really simple and works for as many floors as you like...

Edit: If you really want me to prove you wrong I could always create a demo map
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Does it work for multiple players?

I believe you. I'm no good at triggers. I never bothered to learn them well.
Level 3
Aug 24, 2007
The doodad method works for multiple players as it makes the unit see-through for the triggering player only.
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