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Level 3
Oct 6, 2004
Hi guys,
I was trying to make a spell called masquerade. But i am stuck at the moment.

The skill should work like this :
1.You use masquerade on an enemy unit or hero
2. Your hero disappears in a cloud of smoke( special effect) and now, he looks like the unit or hero you imed with the spell.
3. While in disguise your hero got changed fractions. Your own troops will attack you, but enemy troops wont attack you.
4. After a period of time (depending on the level of the skill) or in case you get damaged, you loose your masquerade and get stunned for 2 secs.
That means: If an enemy hero is smart enough to recognize that your in disguise he can use the attack symbol to unmask you.
5. You can`t use any of your other skills while in disguise.
6. Your attack range while in disguise is changed to close combat in case you got the look of an archer.
7. If you attack someon while masced you will loose your masquerade but deal him additional damage, like if you use windwalk.

8. While masced you shouldn`t auto.attack your units
9. I hope that`s possible, but changing the colour while masced into the colour the enemy unit had would be nice too.

That`s it ^^ ... Only thing i got so far is if you use the spell(i took sleep) your hero gets replaced by a soldier. ...
If anyone could help, i would be very glad
Level 13
Dec 29, 2004
Babuu said:
Hi guys,

3. While in disguise your hero got changed fractions. Your own troops will attack you, but enemy troops wont attack you.

6. Your attack range while in disguise is changed to close combat in case you got the look of an archer.

i think thats impossible, bcoz if you still alliance towards a player, that player's units wouldn't attack you using default AI, and your enemy still will recognize and attack you.

Maybe with some trigger you can make your allies attack you, but really annoying and could ruin your map system (depending on your map genre). I don't recommend that.

..and, there no trigger to change attack-range, but acquisition range can be changed by trigger.
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
Its pretty easy.

Event - "An UNit is issued an order"
Conditions - Attacked Unit has YourBuff equal true
Actions - Order (Ordered Unit) to Stop

This should solve the problem. You can check the alliance of the units of course. And its quite strange cuz I don't get what you mean. Hmm...

Level 3
Oct 6, 2004
thx for the answers, i am still doing some other spells at the moment, and i am of course using triggers btw ;)
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