[Solved] MPQ Unit Data How To Change?

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Level 25
Dec 3, 2020

I'm trying to change some data in the mpq files (for personal use only) for patch 1.29.2.
I can for example change the models of the units without an issue but when I try to change things such as their gold cost, the game crashes when I try to load a map.
Only crashed for Reign of Chaos since the file I tried to change was in the war3.mpq (the mpq for reign of chaos).
Campaign did work but perhaps because I tried changing the Priest unit and tested the the grommash campaign missions. I guess if I were to load a mission which uses the priest then the game would crash.
All I did was change the gold cost to 400 from the Melee/Units/UnitBalance.slk file in the war3.mpq

I assume it does not work since it's an illegal value?
Is there a way to know which values are legal?

My end goal of this is to change the stuff for the campaigns only... so which files should I change once I get this working?
The folder Custom_V0 or CustomV1?

Any help would be appreciated...

Edit: ok so I figured more or less which folder is for what.
The Custom_V0 is for Reign of Chaos.
When I change it in the Reign of Chaos mpq nothing happens, same as models etc... So I have to change the TFT mpq War3x.mpq.
Which again, it works for models.
So when I change the UnitBalance.slk file in War3x.mpq/Custom_V0/Units, the game crashes when I try to load a map for the campaign (night elf campaign). Since I made the archer cost 160 gold, up from 150...

Edit: learnt how to do it lol. Marking this as Solved.
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