Thank you , it work but i want make a animation there is a big barrel full of TNT and a peon is walking with animation walk gold (Bag full of TNT) and give the TNT to normal barrels and make from normal barrels tnt barrels. So i want he is all the game walking to big barrel to normal barrel with animation walk gold.
How can i make that ?
And there is too a problem , i make a barrel when someone destroy it i make normal destructible dyes area damage but that i can make with barrels that exist , too with units is that problem. For sample in animation.
Necromancer Create on RECT001
Remove Necromancer
Yes but what necromancer , he is not created on the map so how can i target him. Maybe it will work with variables with that is hard all what i can with variables is a dialog from a tutorial. To this time i make a place with units and when i need a necromancer i make move instantly and when i dont need him i can target him and make remove.
So how can i make when any barrel dyes make damage area by the exploded barrel radius 500 dmg 100 ?