Store the data you need to manage the unit movement in a hashtable within the Unit Handle ID, then use that data in a periodic trigger.
To get the Handle of something you can use
Custom script: set IntegerVariable = GetHandleId(AnythingYoUWant())
· Save (Handle of the Unit You Want to Move towards to) as 0 of (Dummy Handle ID) in Hashtable
· Save (Speed of the unit you want to move) as 1 of (Dummy Handle ID) in Hashtable
· Save (Max Distance the dummy can travel) as 2 of (Dummy Handle ID) in Hashtable
· Save (Dummy Lifetime) as 3 of (Dummy Handle ID) in Hashtable
· Save (String path of the Special effect that's created when the dummy dies or reaches its targets or its max distance) as 4 of (Dummy Handle ID) in Hashtable
· Save (Damage the Dummy Should deal) as 5 of (Dummy Handle ID) in Hashtable
· Save (The Handle ID of the Unit that casts the dummy and should deal the damage, so the damage is dealt by the caster, and not by the dummy) as 6 of (Dummy Handle ID) in Hashtable
After that, you just recall the data as desired in a periodic trigger.
It makes anything MUI (Multi Instanceable) and works for any amount of units and any amount of players.