I have this item that you throw and then can pick up off the ground. It's all working well, but one thing bothers me. When you throw it and pick it up again, it goes to the first available slot. Is there some way I can tell it which slot to go to when the hero picks it up? This would allow me to keep the slot the same so that the hotkey is consistent.
I already found a way to detect which slot was last used for the item. I don't need help for that part. I just need to know how to take an item and move it to a specific slot in a hero's inventory.
I use JASS, so JASS or GUI solution is good. Thanks in advance!
I already found a way to detect which slot was last used for the item. I don't need help for that part. I just need to know how to take an item and move it to a specific slot in a hero's inventory.
I use JASS, so JASS or GUI solution is good. Thanks in advance!