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Move hero from map 2 map prob

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Level 5
Aug 16, 2004
I tried to move heroes and many things from map to another using game caches. I've tried to open and learn the triggers from Warcraft Rexxar's Campaign, but still don't understand.

I manage to move the heroes and "other" things. But when I start a new game after I played the maps once, the starting hero appear with "other" things from the last game I played. If I use "Clear game cache" trigger: I saved a game, then clear the game cache, after that load the game, and all "other" things I've acquired are missing. How can I fix that?
Level 5
Aug 16, 2004
Use winMPQ, I think. open the war3xlocal.mpq or war3x.mpq (forgot, which one) and war3xpatch.mpq. Search for *.w3x, then find the files related to OrcXCampaign, I think. The triggers there are quite complicated... Need someone to explain the triggers there for me...
Level 5
Aug 16, 2004
It's not just the unit, but I do save some variables in the game cache. When we started a new game, we'll be using the same game cache that I've made and named in WE right?

For example:
I played the game yesterday, went to the map 2, get some quest from the map 2 unit. The quest has to be done in map 1. So I'll set the variable and save it in game cache, then I go to the map 1 to do the quest. Realizing that I've been playing too long, I saved the game and quit.

In the next day, I decided to start over the game, ignoring the last saved game. And I found out, I've already got the map2's quest in my quest log. :x

This isn't good. I don't know how to fix this thing. please help me out.
Level 13
May 5, 2004
Remember, you solved the quests in map2 and saved this information in the game-cache. But as far as I see you didn't delete that information when you started your map once again. Remember, saving a game and storing info in a game cache is not the same. Perhaps in map one you should something (a dialog quest or else) that asks if you want to continue your game or start a new one (so clearing the game-cashe, creating a new hero). Take a look at the RotD-maps.

Still, the multi-map-games could be bugged because there's so much you have to care of.
Level 5
Aug 16, 2004
Yeah, I know saving and storing info in game cache isn't same. When I go save the game in map1 after returning from map2, War3 has already stored the informations in game cache right? If I start a new game, I can set the game cache to be cleared. But what will happened if I want to load that saved game again? Does the saved game still needs the info from game cache or not?

Yeah, making multiple map games sure is really big problem. Btw, DarkShadow, do you know how to empty the Unit Variable? Example: I've set "UNIT" variable as Peasant. Then I want to empty the "UNIT" and I use "UNIT" = No unit. But this just won't work. I wonder why?
Level 13
May 5, 2004
beantony said:
But what will happened if I want to load that saved game again? Does the saved game still needs the info from game cache or not?

Yap, it could give some issues, e.g. some quest won't be solved although you solved them already (cause the information is missing) and other weird issues.

beantony said:
Btw, DarkShadow, do you know how to empty the Unit Variable? Example: I've set "UNIT" variable as Peasant. Then I want to empty the "UNIT" and I use "UNIT" = No unit. But this just won't work. I wonder why?

Sry, atm I don't know how, tested it but found no result how to empty it. Perhaps you can find a way around. What exactly is this variable-emptying needed for?
Level 5
Aug 16, 2004
Well, I'm currently working on a project. In this map, we can add wandering NPCs to our team and control them. If I recruit them in map1, when they dies, I need to remove them, so when I get to the map2, they won't appear. But they just appear again and again... need help with this thing.
Level 4
Sep 11, 2004
to move a hero from one map 2 another use the campaign editor custom data thingy CnP :!:
Level 5
Jun 9, 2004
AJRAD said:
to move a hero from one map 2 another use the campaign editor custom data thingy CnP :!:
Uhhhh u're really stupid.

Hm i have some questions about game cache. Does game cache supposed to create a file?
I created a trigger what made a game cache (stored a few real values), and i searched for the file and i didn't found it. I couldn't load it either.
If you can, then i would be pleased if you could write down how to use game cache properly.
Level 13
May 5, 2004
beantony said:
Well, I'm currently working on a project. In this map, we can add wandering NPCs to our team and control them. If I recruit them in map1, when they dies, I need to remove them, so when I get to the map2, they won't appear. But they just appear again and again... need help with this thing.

Store the peasant or whatever as unit in a category (<- a specific category only for this unit). If he dies run a trigger that clears this category:

Game Cache - Clear all labels of [here the Category] in (Last created game cache)

Hm, for real help I should see your triggers / map, PM me for this.

Edit: Pyrodactyl, perhaps this tutorial helps (download the added test-campaign)

Level 5
Aug 16, 2004
Well, I'll try your trigger then, Dark, thanks :p If it wouldn't work, I'll PM you. Btw, do you already have a project map? If you don't, would you mind to help me in my projects? Seems you know a lot about triggering and game cache thingy.
Level 5
Jun 9, 2004
Many thy to DarkShadow! Now you can save ur own camera settings in the InstaGib map! :)

The triggers were very familiar to me, i've just missed some saving and loading, so that's why mine didn't worked so long. I even gave u creidit in the ReadMe...
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