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MortarWar [MW]

Mortar Wars
Created by GamerCreutz & Burke

Map Info:

Mortar war consist of 1 hero for each player, the hero can pick up a Weapon type and shoot down the enemy
  • Great Gameplay
  • Good terrain
  • Bounce effects

To Come:
  • Grenade
  • Ui
  • "Tank Machine"
  • Rune Of Confussion & Double Shot.
And alot more to come!

Some else stuff about map:

This map was official started by me (Gamercreutz) but after version 1.1 Burke started helping me out, to evolve this game

Screenshots and Videos:


Change Log:

Map Created:

  • New Terrain
  • New Name
  • New Images.

  • Missile bug
  • Terrain
  • Command buttons
  • Wc3preview/Loading screen

  • leaks
  • Missile pickup
  • Models
  • Descriptions
  • Portal
  • Tavern


  • Devine
  • Epsilon
  • Deon
  • Iconsx
  • MortAr

War, Mortar, Burke, Creutz, Mini, Game, Shooting, Team, Modern, warfare

MortarWar [MW] (Map)

21:29, 8th Sep 2011 Vengeancekael: Status: Approved Contact Me
Level 1
Sep 28, 2010
Tested with 2 friends, those 2 on team 2 and after picking hero, they stuck in the tavern area.... so we can't play at all....
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010

Terrain: 4/10 Could be alot better. Spam crystals not to nice :( Just hurts my eyes
Triggers: 6/10
The test massive copy spam can be reduced to 1 trigger. The triggers overall are messy and could be cleaned up a bit. - Mutiple or any conditions in Revive copy is doubled up.-Leaks on the Set Redteam = random point in region. Your overwriting a variable yet with Regions you need to clear it first. So that it is a Temp instead of permanent -- Try At the end Call Destroypoint Udg_Yourvariablehere. You need to remove items once used or they create item leaks. You can use a variable for leaderboard instead of last created leadboard. And instead of removing and readding you can just change label this will be more efficiant.
Leaks on all teleport triggers
Various other triggers could be shortened

Enjoyabillity factor:6/10 needs more content :( and is quite annoying with the terrain. -Maybe add a bounce mode where projectiles can bounce or walls. Or special item or something like that . As the Model of a bullet spinning in a wall is kinda annoying

Concept: N/A Same concept as Mad balls. A projectile system based game with (Concept-Usually involves mutiple special items modes and playing stages/arenas-
None of these are shown. Apart from the mutiple items. Maybe new ideas could be added As seen in later version "To Come" in description already shown)

Overall Rating 5/10 Vote for Approval. Needs alot of fixing and alot of work

General dislike -- Projectiles sometimes fire at an angle . I.e Sideways -- non realism

General Like -- Bullets can travel through teleports ^^
Level 5
Feb 27, 2011
yeah we kinda stoped this project dunno why, i am going to revive it with bugzy, yeah terrain is kinda still beta, the thing with a project firing at angle is that you move or stop the casting so it doesnt cast it normaly so it goes a weird angle, i was trying to learn jass i stoped, cuz i failed greatly, so i will try to update map with better or new thing. and thank you for you review man. +rep from me <3.

i gave up. T_T
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